How Workplace Harassment Lawsuit Plaintiffs Can Get A Lawsuit Cash Loan?
By: Paul Sherman | Posted: 13th February 2009
No-Risk Lawsuit Funding for Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Plaintiffs.
Employment discrimination lawsuit cash loan or settlement advance funding is a non-recourse cash loan provided to a plaintiff involved in an employment discrimination or workplace harassment lawsuit even before his/her lawsuit is settled or resolved.
Most of plaintiffs involved in employment discrimination or workplace harassment litigation or lawsuit do not realize that they can get lawsuit cash advance loan or settlement funding before their case settles. It is a contingent transaction in which cash loan is advanced based solely on the merits of a pending employment discrimination lawsuit. Lawsuit loan is paid back only upon successful verdict or settlement of the lawsuit. If the employment discrimination or workplace harassment lawsuit plaintiff loses case, the loan is never paid back to the lawsuit loan funding company.
What is Employment Discrimination?
In our country U.S., employment discrimination occurs whenever an employer or its representatives adversely single out employees or applicants on the basis of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion and a variety of other reasons.
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers can not discriminate against you in any aspect of employment, such as:
Hiring and firing Compensation, assignment, or classification of employees Transfer, promotion, layoff, or recall Job advertisements Recruitment Testing Use of company facilities Training and apprenticeship programs Fringe benefits Pay, retirement plans, and disability leave
The EEOC reported that it received 82,792 job-bias charges from private-sector employment in fiscal year 2007, the highest number since 2002 and the largest annual increase (9%) since the early 1990s. The most notable increases were for race (12%), retaliation (18%), age (15%) and disability (14%) discrimination.
If an employee experience employment discrimination or workplace harassment then he/she has the right to go for a legal resolve by means of employment discrimination lawsuit or claim. Depending on the kind of discrimination, the lawsuit will be called as followings:
1. Age Discrimination Lawsuit, 2. Racial Discrimination Lawsuit, 3. Sexual Harassment or Discrimination Lawsuit, 4. Gender or Sex Discrimination Lawsuit, 5. Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawsuit, 6. Disability Discrimination Lawsuit, 7. Religious Discrimination Lawsuit, 8. Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit, 9. Workplace Harassment Lawsuit etc.
David vs. Goliath:
Mostly the legal battle between employment discrimination client plaintiffs and defendants is like a clash between David vs. Goliath. Workplace Harassment lawsuit cases are very complex to handle and to resolve and if it is against a major corporation their attorneys will be able to delay lawsuit judgment for years. Even if, law is on your side, deep-pocket defendants can buy time with legal ploys and delays, and maneuver to frustrate the plaintiffs. They exploit the cumbersome process of law.
You will agree that justice delayed is justice denied.
Most of the victims of employment discrimination may have lost their jobs. The plaintiff/victim has trouble paying his/her mortgage, rent, car payments, or other living expenses; while waiting for the settlement of the lawsuit. Many of them may be one or two payments away from foreclosures. They need cash money now.
How Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Loan or Settlement Advance Funding Helps?
Employment discrimination lawsuit settlement advance funding provides plaintiff, the cash loan so that their attorneys have more time to negotiate the best possible lawsuit settlement for their pending employment lawsuit or legal claim. By offering appropriate lawsuit cash funding or settlement loans, a reputed lawsuit funding company enable the plaintiffs to resist financial pressure to take the first low ball offer made by defendants attorneys.
Once the plaintiffs involved in employment discrimination litigation dispute get interim lawsuit funding or loan, it can be used to cover credit card debt, mortgage payments, medical bills and other living expenses. By helping plaintiff client through a difficult period, lawsuit loan funding company also give the extra time to negotiate a larger settlement.
The practical value of available cash money is at maximum, when you are in financial distress.
Employment discrimination litigation process usually causes intense financial stress and mental anxiety under the best of circumstances. It can cause lot of financial strain from lost or reduced salary or wages or tapping into cash reserves. But employment lawsuit settlement loan or funding will ease or alleviate the pressure and will make it a less tedious process. The cash advance available from a lawsuit loan will make it easier or less difficult and will contribute financial strength to reduce the economic anxiety and financial problems.
An employment discrimination or workplace harassment lawsuit cash loan or settlement advance funding allows you to leverage the expected settlement from your case to obtain the cash you need now. Lawsuit cash funding or loan eliminate the need to accept a minimal settlement amount due to personal financial pressures, and get the fair and just settlements the plaintiffs deserve.
About the Author:
Paul Sherman, The Lawsuit Money Man, is a Legal Funding Consultant. He offers free, professional, and independent advice to plaintiffs involved in employment discrimination or workplace harassment lawsuits, workers compensation claims, any type of lawsuits & attorneys to obtain Lawsuit loans. To apply for any type of Lawsuit loan funding, Workers Compensation claim funding, please visit: http://www.easylawsuitfunding.comThis article is free for republishing
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Tags: layoff, plaintiff, cash loan, plaintiffs, retirement plans, fringe benefits, equal employment opportunity commission, employment opportunity commission, equal employment opportunity, sexual orientation, apprenticeship programs, eeoc