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Where to Go for Assistance in Dealing with a Car Accident in Toronto
Each year, there are about 160,000 car crashes in Canada resulting to 2,900 casualties. Majority of car accidents and crashes are due to alcohol drinking and involves mostly young drivers. Based on statistics, the month of June is when a car accident in Toronto or any place in Canada has occurred at frequent times. This is because that time period is when graduations and proms happen and are celebrated, parties are held almost everywhere during that period. Reports have also shown that accidents at those times are likely to cause demise and loss of life.
The age of drivers most susceptible to car accidents is from 16 to 24 which make up about 5 percent of all the Canadian licensed drivers. These young drivers are involved in 43% of drunk drivers incidents.
In the event of a car accident in Toronto or anywhere in Canada, it is mostly a smart decision to hire a lawyer to assist in claiming an insurance coverage and case defense. To get the best out of the professional assistance, make sure that the lawyer you cautiously hire is specialized in handling auto accidents and is located in the locality. The lawyer can surely help you in battling for your case and in dealing with all the hassles and dilemmas after a car accident. is leading service provider for car accident in Toronto, motorcycle accident, accident injury, car accident attorney, accident claims, accident lawyer, Toronto car accident lawyer, accident claims, car accident lawyers Toronto, personal injury.
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