What You Need to Know About Driving Through Construction Zones
Nonetheless, driving in a construction zone can be a rather harrowing experience - even when you are obeying the law.
Picture this - you're about to drive through a highway construction zone. You've seen the warning signs and you are slowing down. But the highway lanes are now beginning to shrink. And suddenly there's a large semi-truck barreling down the road, in the other lane. And it seems that it is coming right at you.
Then you become acutely aware that the only thing separating your lane from the lane the semi is in are some small light-weight orange cones.
What should you do?
First of all, in order to maintain your composure and not get into an accident, it is necessary that you stay calm and slow down just a little bit more.
Take several deep breaths while keeping your eyes on the road. And, do not stop - just keep on driving.
You really don't have much of a choice, anyway, because there usually isn't any place for drivers to pull other while they are in a highway construction zone.
If you were to pull over, you would not only endanger your life and the lives of your passengers but you would endanger other drivers and the construction workers as well.
How Can You Recognize a Construction Zone?
You'll know that you're entering into a construction zone because there are usually flaggers who are posted there. Their main job is to catch the attention of the drivers on the road. Flag workers will usually hold signs that tell you to stop or slow down.
However, if you go too slowly or if you stop as the lanes merge you could cause a traffic accident. So keep on moving and smoothly merge with the traffic flow.
In order to protect your vehicle you'll need to pay attention to any signs because you may find a lot of bumps, dips and sharp turns throughout any highway construction zone. So be patient, give yourself plenty of time, and you'll be able to get through without injuring anyone or doing any damage to your vehicle.
Accidents do happen, though. And when highway accidents happen they are usually considered to be personal injuries.
To find out about how to win a personal injury settlement, go to http://www.sokolovelaw.com/
Wendy Moyer on behalf of Sokolove Law.
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Source: http://www.goinglegal.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-driving-through-construction-zones-2371183.html
Source: http://www.goinglegal.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-driving-through-construction-zones-2371183.html