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Understanding Statute of Limitations
The State
State law has a direct impact on your statute of limitations, because each state has its own set of laws governing how much time a victim has to file a personal injury claim. The average time is anywhere from one to two years, but this is a very general rule. To find out the statute of limitations in your state, you can find listings of statutes of limitations on the Internet. You can also contact a personal injury lawyer in your state to get up to date information from an experienced professional.
The Injury
Your statute of limitations may also vary based on the type of injury you sustained. Some injuries and illnesses won't show up right away, so the statute of limitations may begin with the actual diagnosis of the problem, rather than when the accident occurred. Wrongful death also has its own statute of limitations for survivors in most states. The best source of information about statute of limitations for your particular injury is from a personal injury attorney who specializes in the kind of injury you sustained.
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