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Tips to Minimize Trouble When Suspected for DUI in San Diego

08th April 2010
By steve magill in Law
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Should you have the misfortune to be stopped by the police for suspicion of Driving Under the Influence in San Diego California, there are a couple of things you may do to minimize any trouble you are already in:

- Act courteously to the officer in charge. Do not be abrasive or brash when talking to the officer. Ask what the problem is and politely talk to him or her. It is also recommended that you be respectful to the officer. Ending your sentences with "Sir" or Ma'am" will show them that you recognize their authority. This also indicates to them that their initial idea of you being under the influence may be mistaken. The practical reason for you being respectful to the officer is because everything is videotaped and should you be arrested and cited, the video recording will show how cooperative and respectful you were.

- Know your rights. You should know that you can refuse the sobriety test and instead opt for the breath analyzer exam. This is your right. The breath analyzer exam is the lesser of the two evils since it is prone to mistakes. DUI Defense lawyers in San Diego have successfully argued that burping or regurgitation does affect the analysis exam. It is possible that those acids in your stomach may affect the results of your exam.

- Be candid for an explanation. If you had a dinner and had some wine, you may mention it when asked. But be sure that you explain the time difference between drinking your glass of wine and driving. Having two hours or so lapse before taking the wheel may be sufficient. You may also tell them that you are taking medication, if you are, and this may possibly be the root of the problem. Be calm when explaining to the police officers. If they see that you are sensible, they may let you off with a warning.

- If you are from out of state, please inform the police right away. Most policemen or women will give some kind of break if they know that you are not local. You may have come from a nice dinner and had a glass of wine. It may also be possible that your car may smell of alcohol if your co-passengers have been drinking and since they are not driving, they have no responsibility to not drink. DUI defense lawyers in San Diego have also successfully argued that perhaps the smell of alcohol from passengers may have prejudiced the police in their decision to cite or arrest the driver. Being aware of your situation and courteous to the authority will get you some breaks. Just be sure to be a responsible driver and try not to drink if you are behind the wheel.


Don't let the night be spoiled by having your friends arrested for DUI later on. DUI attorneys San Diego can be very helpful but it would be better to not need their services in the first place. Get a San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer when the hassle becomes inevitable.
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