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Articles, tagged with "economy", page 2

Real Estate Law


27th January 2011
Last month, I was invited to make a presentation to a local Rotary club about trends in real estate and the economy. This was no dog and pony show with an eternal happy face. On the contrary, I warned the audience early on that, if they get easily depre...
Author: John Hill
Immigration Law

Queensland May Be In Uncertain Situation

26th January 2011
For those moving to Australia, immigration to the country has always been considered as one of the best options that they have. After all, the country’s economy is pretty much on a boom, which means a lot of opportunities for them. Thus, many are enticed ...
Author: Steven

Income Tax Calculation 2010 for State and Federal Tax Calculation 2010.

24th January 2011
Calculation of taxes online or physical is not a funny job; there are no options available for it. There are many problems and issues that need to be discuss into consideration when taking these calculations of income in mind. Current generation have the ...
Author: Jerry Smith
Immigration Law

Australian Firms Continue To Improve Customer Service

20th January 2011
In Australia, business visa holders are often looking for new ways to improve their services. Many of them have introduced new ways of doing business. And these has resulted in the current growth that the country’s economy is experiencing. In particula...
Author: Steven

Determine Property Taxes Before Purchase

05th January 2011
As the rate of defaulted loans and foreclosures continue to soar in many locations, numerous counties have discovered that the rate of unpaid properties taxes is also on the rise. The metro Detroit area, in particular, is experiencing a record high rate o...
Author: Bryon Burgess
Bankruptcy Law

Take Control Of Your Future

15th November 2010
The Washington DC area has been hard hit by the economic downturn; though one might think that being the seat of the federal government it might be immune. ...
Author: ArticleSubmit Auto
Bankruptcy Law

Reorganizing For Your Future

27th October 2010
Joliet bankruptcy attorneys are doing a brisk business this year already compared to last. Most Joliet bankruptcy attorneys report that they are seeing many more people coming through their doors asking for help in reorganizing their finances. It is a dau...
Author: ArticleSubmit Auto
Business Law

Watch the Cleveland Show Online Whenever You Want

21st October 2010
If you want to watch Futurama online, you can do so. Today, there are websites that allow individuals to view their favorite television shows from the comfort of their own homes, via their computer or laptop. As a result, individual are now able to watch ...
Author: sismediagroupseo
Bankruptcy Law

Create A Plan

20th October 2010
So many ...
Author: ArticleSubmit Auto
Immigration Law

Solving Australia’s immigration Issues

08th October 2010
As you might have already known, Australian immigration has been one of the biggest issues that has hounded the federal elections. In fact, both the ruling Labor Party and the Liberal Party made it a central in their campaigns. And the issue was hotly deb...
Author: Steven

Amazon & You: Internet Sales and the Long Arm of the Tax Man

24th September 2010
We all have heard or read about the plights of the states in the recent economy. Revenues from all sources are down and states are desperate to increase them. Virtually all states are becoming more aggressive in their collection efforts and many are looki...
Author: Michael J. Fleming
Business Law

How to Extend Your Lease with Little Stress

15th September 2010
This article is a guide on how to extend the lease like shop lease with a little stress. Often customers want to know what they are entitled to when they are much higher, than what it costs and how to get started. If you have a contract for more than two...
Bankruptcy Law

San Diego bankruptcy lawyer

01st September 2010
For foreclosure and repossession best option is Bankruptcy now days, it is also most popular in recent days. Before few years the number of people who had to resort filing bankruptcy was quite lower than recent days. Sate of economy is main factor for thi...
Author: ninacook123
Internet Law

Save Money on Mobile Phones and Accessories Through Special Deals!

06th July 2010
With the online shopping booming by leaps and bounds, more markets are entering this field. Mobile phones and accessories have long been sold online through various online retailers. Added to this specialty is the concept of coupon codes and special deals...
Author: ppmuk
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