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SAP training after BE

01st June 2011
By raju in Legal
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Learning SAP after engineering can guarantee high paying salary? Or this just another… There are lots of students of final year computer science in Bangalore, they often talk about their successful relatives and friends, who is already placed with a multinational company on a very high salary. They talk about the brighter part, how they have got all luxury of live, how they spend money, how secure their future is.

It is easy to just follow someone who is successful or you would like to build your own path. Yes, it is difficult to build a new one, and it is much more difficult to build a path when you do not have proper guidance.

Today, our graduation courses are covering too much and they end up with theoretical knowledge as a result student know a little bit of all but nothing much to get a job in real life. There are excellent students who get placed easily but how many?

As per my knowledge only about 5% of total engineering students get good placement just after they finish course, and reason for this, lack of industry specific knowledge.

SAP training courses can help students in great ways. First of all there is demand in industry within Bangalore we have lot many companies who is looking for professionals on SAP. I do not think it would take much time for you to learn SAP, given the chance, what do you think?

This company Sapware Technologies (Phone: 080 – 41425474, Mob: +91 9448466805

+91 9972522848) having 3 offices in Bangalore BTM Layout, Koramangala and Vijayanagar offers affordable and reliable SAP training form certified and experienced trainers. Call them for more clarifications.

About SAPWARE as written on their website

Sapware team represents a balance of talents, personalities and insight that adds significant value to the overall delivery of the training processes. We have worked within start-ups as well as MNC’s. We are committed to bringing all of our combined talents and experience to qualify, quantify and optimize output.

Sapware Technologies was founded in the year 2008 January. Sapware is headquartered in Bengaluru and has established 3 independently successful divisions.

1.Inhouse Training with state of art facilities in BTM layout and Vijayanagar.

2.Corporate Training

3.HR Consulting

So SAP can be your quick ticket for a good job.

For more information on SAP training after BE you can visit
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