Labor law posters

By: Cecily | Posted: 02nd February 2011

The International Labor Organization in tune with the state governments protest against the exploitation of the business firm in their labor management. In various occasions the workers are exploited by the employers in matters like wages, work time, overtime policies, leave policies. But this practice has come to an end. As the government has taken a firm step against these employers by legal laws and the same is informed to the business houses in form of labor law poster.

The labor law posters are mandatory posters for every business firm having two or more employees. The employers should display these posters in perfect view of their employees to refer, like the break room or main entrance. These posters are scripts in simple language, including information of all the fundamental rights, the rules and regulations of an employee. The rights to minimum wage, the leave policies, the overtime policy, the working hours, the insurance policy, uniformity of employment and many other valuable guidance are there in these posters. The posters are state specific so the company must provide the state laws too in the poster. There are safety posters too which help educating the workers on safety issues. The US department of Labor helps in getting all these informations. The website guides on the posters which need to be displayed and these can be easily downloaded from the websites and printed in normal paper and displayed for the employees. For any problem the employers can refer to the government agencies for detail information on these posters. However it must be noted that the Federal and State laws are under regular amendments. So the employer needs to keep a constant eye on the revisions so that the correct poster can be displayed. It a government rule to display these posters and violating these mandates can cause the employer huge cash fines and penalties.

The labor law posters are for the benefit of both the employees and the employers. The employees getting assured and confident of their rights work happily in the organization, thus contributing to the growth of the business, which in turn is the main goal of the employers. It is a step towards a healthy corporate world.
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Tags: minimum wage, insurance policy, break room, state laws, work time, safety issues, perfect view, department of labor, business firm, state governments, business houses, main entrance, us department of labor, safety posters, labor law posters, labor law poster