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Patent Registration: - India Patent is a platform to share information on Patent & Innovation.
Patent registration is one of the powerful tool and favored law services for the newly get invented products. It act as powerful tool in order to prevent one's innovative invention from the unauthorized use, getting stolen, misuse, sold or copied by the unauthorized person. Registration of patent is a procedure of granting ownership provided by the government to product's original inventor for an invention in any kind product or service that would be offer to the international market. The registration of particular patent in India is done for 20 years that must be renewed at the regular interval of time. Under patent trademark registration, patent opposition and how to patent a name are the two most important terms that must be resolved with the help of any corporate firms.
The procedure of filing a patent in India is very difficult and cumbersome and hence it is advisable to find a good attorney, who can help you in patent registration in india. There are many patent law firms in India during the process of patent filing in India, but you should choose the right law firm to complete your work without difficulty and with legality. The registration when granted is valid for a period of ten years from the date of registration. It is very important for a proprietor to seek renewal of registration before the expiry of the validity, failing which the mark becomes liable to be removed from the Register on account of non-renewal. The request for renewal of a trademark can be filed six months prior to the expiry of the validity of registration. The patent law also permits restoration and renewal of lapsed trademark provided such a request is made within the maximum period of one year after the expiry of the validity.
After registration, trademark renewal is very important task which must be accompanied with at the expiration of second year from the date of trademark registration. Trademark registration in India is granted for 20 year which can be either paid in advance or yearly basis as depend upon patent owner. Copyrights are often ignored, but potentially powerful Intellectual Property asset. Under current law, certain copyrights have been extended, and copyright prosecution obtained for certain items such as sound recordings and television programs that were broadcast decades ago. Copyrights can be obtained for creations from computer software to architectural plans. Trademark prosecution plays major role in identifying and distinguishing the source of one product or service from another.
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