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New Jersey Car Accident Statistics Important Info for Drivers
In 1999, the total of accidents across the state was 283,893 with almost 23,000 involving a truck. The total injuries from all the accidents were over one hundred and eight thousand, while accident injuries from accidents involving a truck were just over 2,500. There were a total of 817 fatalities for this year, of which 52 were due to trucks.
For 2008, fatalities due to auto accidents numbered 747. Of these deaths, one third were caused by a car leaving the roadway, and one quarter took place near an intersection. Only 7% involved a large truck, and almost 160 pedestrians were struck and killed. Out of all the fatalities, 11% were light truck passengers and 35% were passengers in small vehicles.
In 2007, 724 people died due to or during a car accident, while 199 were directly related to alcohol. With this being said, the state of New Jersey is ranked fifth in the nation for the most alcohol related accidents. Ranked 21st in the nation for deer related accidents and 32nd for bad roadway conditions, New Jersey is ranked one of the highest states for the lack of use of seat belts and restraints when it comes to fatalities due to auto accidents according to the NHTSA or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Of all fatalities in the above mentioned years, the average unlicensed driver fatalities ranged from 3% to 11% with the most occurring in 2007. Even with the governor setting a pace with seat belts and laws, there has been little improvement in the use.
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