Make Your Charitable Donations to IRS Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Organizations
Many generous people are willing to help less fortunate people by making donations to their favorite nonprofits. Many donors leverage online solutions to make the procedure of giving easy and secure, in addition to performing online research to find other nonprofits that are also supporting to their favorite social cause. However, it is necessary to check the IRS tax-exemption status of nonprofits before making a donation as donating to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit is critical to receiving a tax-deduction on your taxes.
With the year coming to an end, you don’t have enough time to find your favorite non-profits and its causes to make a donation online. Therefore, there are innovative businesses in the United States that have a well-maintained database of IRS tax-exempt nonprofits for your convenience. You can visit the site to find your favorite nonprofits (only 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations are listed) and can setup a recurring donation online and even volunteer by creating a fundraising project to promote your passion and raise money your favorite nonprofit.
In addition, you can also read independent nonprofits reviews and view how nonprofits stack up to ensure you make an informed donation to a trusted nonprofit. For each donation made, you will immediately receive an acknowledgement letter (receipt) confirming your contribution so that you can submit your proof to make your tax time easier. Do remember that charitable giving to IRS tax-exempt nonprofits will not only help you save on taxes but will also help to bring positive changes in societies across the world. offers online fundraising products and fundraising tools for non-profit fundraising.
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