Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyers for Dog Bite Cases
You will want to contact the best personal injury lawyers in North Carolina. Dog bite cases can be complex and your attorney cannot overlook a single detail. You will need a compassionate and aggressive attorney who is willing to file a lawsuit against dog owners in an effort to collect damages. If you want to receive fair and complete compensation for your injuries, it is important to realize that dog bite lawsuits are not resolved quickly and may take months or years to conclude.
Gathering evidence
The top personal injury lawyers do whatever is legally necessary to collect evidence for the purposes of your case. It is crucial that you cooperate, even if you find the evidence collection process to be intrusive. Your attorney may ask for photographs of your injuries, even if you were bitten in what you consider the most private parts of your body. He or she may request copies of your medical records. You can expect that the attorney for the dog owner will ask you to give a deposition. It is important that you be honest and forthright with your answers. Some clients are surprised by the typical questions that they are asked during the deposition process. To be honest, you may feel as if you are the one on trial. You may be asked questions such as:
• Do you have a criminal history?
• Places you have lived in the past
• Your employment history
• Your personal or household income
• Recount a detailed account of the dog bite
• If you did anything to provoke the attack
• Questions regarding any treatment you received from your doctor
Proving negligence
Every North Carolina dog bite lawsuit hinges on proving the negligence of the dog owner. The best personal injury lawyers work tirelessly to prove to the court that the dog owner should be accountable for the injuries that their client has sustained because of the dog owner’s action(s). There are several scenarios related to liability laws across the state. You should consult your personal injury attorney to understand the laws in this part of the state. Your attorney will most likely seek to prove that the dog owner was negligent in his or her actions, which allowed the dog to bite you.
A Charlotte, NC personal injury attorney
It is important to remember that no matter how safe you try to be, negligent and irresponsible people are all around you. . The Olive law firm has been helping Carolinians find just compensation for personal injury cases for nearly 60 years. The accident and injury attorneys at the Olive Law Firm of Charlotte, NC are also ready to work for you and your family. If you or a family member ends up injured as the result of a negligent act like a dog bite; call the offices of the Olive law Firm for a free consultation with the top personal injury lawyers in North Carolina.
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