Gherson's Articles en-us Plans to Curb Immigration leading to Settlement in the UK will damage UK Business – Law Society The United Kingdom Border Agency's consultation entitled Employment-related settlement, Tier 5 and overseas domestic worker closed last week. Its consultation on "family migration" is due to come to an end on 6 October 2011. Back in July we summaris... 05th December 2011 UK Finally Changes Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 Back in July of 2008 the European Court of Justice issued its ruling in Metock v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Ireland) Case C – 127/08, [2009] QB 318. The content and effect of the ruling will be familiar already – but essentially it sai... 23rd August 2011 Evidence to be restricted in Points Based System Appeals The Ministry for Justice announced that from October of this year (2011) fees will be payable by people wishing to appeal against immigration decisions (with exceptions for people appealing against refusal of asylum and humanitarian protection) the Immigr... 16th June 2011 Tier 4 Sponsorship Revised in Second New Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules Just two weeks after the "overhaul" of the structure of the Immigration Rules covering Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the Points Based System contained in Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules HC 863, a further Statement of Changes: HC 908, which makes sign... 10th May 2011 Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules HC 863 The government laid a new Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules (HC 863) on 17 March 2011 before Parliament. The changes are extensive and implement the government's intentions which have been announced in various policy documents and public s... 05th April 2011 UKBA publishes Tier 2 As per the announcement given earlier regarding Tier 2 and the MAC’s list of “graduate occupations” has been followed by the Immigration Minister Damien Green’s statement yesterday as to the changes to be made in April of this year (2011). Mr Green’s ... 06th March 2011 Why the UKBA's first There has been a series of challenges to the lawfulness of the Government's Points Based System since the Court of Appeal's judgment in Secretary of State for the Home Department v Pankina (2010) EWCA Civ 719, (2010) 3 WLR 1526 which came out in June of 2... 15th February 2011 Interim Cap on Tier 1 and Tier 2 is Unlawful Two senior judges have ruled that the interim cap on applications under Tiers 1 and 2 of the Points Based System was unlawful. The interim cap, which was intended to be the precursor to the permanent cap which is to be imposed next April (2011) was me... 17th January 2011 UK Immigration Cap for Tier 1 and Tier 2 The Government's Migration Advisory Committee (the MAC) has published its report entitled "Limits on Migration: Limits on Tier 1 and Tier 2 for 2011/12 and supporting policies." The MAC describes itself as "a non-departmental public body comprised of e... 06th December 2010 Important Changes to the Immigration Rules in the Wake of Pankina and English UK The operation of the Points Based System has been put at risk by the judgments of the Court of Appeal in Pankina and of the Administrative Court in English UK. On Tuesday 20 July 2010, the government confirmed to the Immigration Law Practitioners Assoc... 18th August 2010 Coalition Government Capping Policy The "four strand policy" that the government announced is starting to take shape. The aim is to "reduce net immigration to the levels of the 1990's", and the new government intends to achieve this through the most controversial "strand": the introduction ... 19th July 2010 Dual Citizenship for German Nationals A significant change which occurred on 28 August 2007 in German Immigration law, has received little media coverage but could positively affect many. This change in the immigration law principally allows citizens from EU member states to retain their pass... 16th June 2010