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Articles, tagged with "criminal behavior", page 1

Immigration Law

How Does Having a Criminal Conviction Effect Applying for US Citizenship?

20th October 2010
Citizenship is the state of being a citizen of a country. A citizen is said to be the legal member of the country. The United States citizenship offers numerous benefits, including the ability to sponsor relatives and family members so they can immi...
Author: JennyMartin
Criminal Law

How To Cope with a Criminal Case in Washington

07th April 2010
All who have been accused of some sorts of criminal cases ever, are not borne criminal, or criminal by choice. These are just the situations, mistakes or accidents that drive them into this turmoil. But, once you are trapped in a legal mess, it is hard to...
Author: pierce county

Federal Prosecution and Defenses of the False Statements Statute

20th August 2008
Federal false statements statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, is one of the most widely used tools in federal prosecutors' arsenal. The statute is often the default "charge of choice" because the way it is drafted, prosecutors enjoy a wide leverage and advantage. ...
Author: Author Unknown