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Articles, tagged with "full attention", page 1

Business Law

Risk Assessments

16th August 2010
I recently purchased my third Honda Civic Hybrid and I am very happy with it.  My love affair with the Hybrid started in earnest when my first one saved my life in a head-on smash.   The car was wrecked, especially once the Fire Service had cut off the ro...
Author: Chris Eden
Accident claims

Michigan Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers, Accident Analysis, Dram Shop Law & Prevention

19th April 2010
In Michigan, any driver with blood-alcohol absorption (BAC) above .08 percent is considered "per se intoxicated" under the law. Driving under the influence is a serious offense and is the cause of many wrongful deaths in Michigan. The number of car acc...
Author: LBuckfire

There is No Such Thing as an Accident

12th November 2009
There was a saying that 'there was no such thing as an accident'. Of course to some people this might seem a little bit unfair, because so many of us have had an accident of some sort. Basically the crux of this statement is that in most cases, an acciden...
Author: Robert Palmer