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Articles, tagged with "three women", page 1

Personal Injury

Fosamax Femur Fractures: Cases Suggest That You Are Not Alone

23rd February 2011
Imagine this: A woman in her late 50s agrees with her physician that she should take the pharmaceutical product known as alendronate,sold by Merck as Fosamax, to stave off osteoporosis. Shes healthy and believes that she is doing the right thing. Still, ...
Author: aarenbrowns

Find the Courage to Escape A Brutal Marriage

19th July 2010
Beauty and victory don't immune women to the rough treatment of marital brutality. And, anxiety and blame commonly quite the gutwrenching shriek of its pain. We realize it's difficult to imagine yourself as prey to these horrible doing. And, like you, the...
Author: Juan Niño Paulo David