How to claim on car insurance in the UK

By: richardhall111 | Posted: 17th August 2015

Car insurance claims are generally made by those who have suffered damage to their vehicle in the event of an accident on the road. The car insurance claim should not be confused with a personal injury claim - these are two completely separate types of claim.

If you have been involved in a car accident, and a third party is to blame for the incident, you need to contact your insurance company and inform them that an incident has occurred. As soon as you can after the accident it is recommended that you make a note of any details you can remember about the incident so this can be passed on to your insurance company. In order to make a car insurance claim you will need to fill out an accident report form which will be sent to you by your insurance company - although some insurance companies are happy to start the car insurance claims process entirely over the telephone.

If your car accident was caused by a third party, you need to provide your insurer with the details you obtained at the scene of the accident relating to the responsible driver - your insurance company will then contact the third party's insurance company and arrange for your car to be repaired or arrange for you to receive funds to replace your car.

If you have third party car insurance cover, and the accident was caused by someone else, you will be able to access repair services for your car or a financial award to cover the cost of replacing your car. If you are involved in an accident that you caused yourself, you cannot make a claim against your own insurance if you are only insured third party. With a fully comprehensive car insurance policy, however, you can make a claim against your own car insurance if you were the reason that your vehicle was involved in a collision.

It is important to remember to contact your car insurance provider in order to get the claims process started as quickly as possible after your accident. It is a legal obligation for a policyholder to inform the insurance provider that they have been involved in a collision, this obligation is still enforced even if the policyholder was not the one responsible for the incident occurring.

In addition to claiming the cost of the damage to your car, you can make a personal injury claim through a firm of personal injury solicitors. Once you have completed the car insurance claims process, or even whilst you are still in the process of making a claim against a third party's insurance policy, you can initiate a separate claim for the damage that was caused to your person and any losses that you sustained as a direct result.

If your car is damaged significantly, you must not take your car in for repairs and hope that your insurance company, or a third party insurance company will pay for the damage. Generally, an insurance company will recommend you to a garage and it is advisable to follow their recommendation as it will ensure the claims procedure is faster and simpler. It is always advisable to seek legal assistance if you are unsure about any element of making a claim.

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