Best Practice to Win Your Car Accident Compensation Claim

By: mycompensation | Posted: 20th July 2012

If you have been involved in a car accident that was not your fault in the last three years, one of a number of things which should be considered is a car accident compensation claim. There are a few things which can be done at the scene of the accident in order to maximise your chances of making a successful claim. We've put together a list of seven quick tips which you can use in order to increase the chances of winning. These will be useful in a car accident in the future or will help with things you need to claim for a car accident which happened in the past.

1. The first thing to remember is not to panic or lose your temper with the other driver or anybody else at the scene of the car accident. Keep your cool and your emotions in check. This can be easier said than done but pre-empting the possibility of an outburst will help you to prevent on happening. Remember to stay calm.

2. Call the police in order to report the accident to them and the emergency services that might be required if possible injuries are sustained or if anybody's trapped inside the vehicles. The police will notify any necessary emergency services so that you can minimize the chances of any harm coming to the individuals involved in the car accident.

3. When the police arrive, be as helpful as you can in assisting them and giving information. Often times, you will be asked just to step aside and there's nothing you can do to help. The most important thing is to make a note of the officer who was dealing with documenting the car accident. Depending on the country you're in, the may also need to make a note of the incident identification number.

4. Make sure that you exchange insurance information with the other driver. Swap phone numbers, insurance policy numbers if necessary and, most importantly for making a compensation claim, make sure to make a note of the license plate of the offending driver.

5. Taking photographic evidence of the scene of a car accident with a phone or camera can help making a successful compensation claim much easier. The photos can be used as as documented evidence in a court of law.

6. Similarly, making notes of any witnesses can also help in a successful car accident compensation claim. Swap contact information with anybody who saw the accident. A combination of eyewitnesses and photographic evidence will seriously go towards a successful car accident compensation claim. However, if you have been involved in a car accident and did not necessarily take these two steps for evidence then that is not to say a compensation claim still should not be attempted if the blame is not yours.

7. Finally, call a claims specialist. Companies such as My Compensation give expert advice on no win no fee compensation claims. They work closely with expert solicitors and put you directly in contact with the perfect solicitors to give you maximum chances of success.

We hope this quick-tips guide on car accident compensation claims has been a help for either past or future claims. The best chance of winning your car accident compensation claim will come from having all of the above check boxes filled. Remember though that, because these are such valuable points, that even having one of the boxes ticked will go a long way to ensuring a successful claim. For example, an eyewitness is very highly-prized in court evidence regardless of other factors. The more you can tick, the better your chances are.
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Tags: emotions, temper, insurance, insurance policy, phone numbers, emergency services, accident compensation claim, license plate, car accident compensation, outburst