May be the best Google AdSense Alternatives out there for PUblishers Program

By: dallran54 | Posted: 16th February 2012

You are probably reading this article because Google has suspended your AdSense account. The big problem with Google AdSense is that they suspend accounts without providing any reason.
Then they do not answer emails inquiring for such reasons or how to remedy them. They take whatever money made through the date of the account suspension.

The worst part is that they suspend accounts for reasons beyond the publisher’s control. For example, if someone else clicked on your ads several times, or a robot script or software loaded the page with the ads several times, they will suspend your account.

Because of their arbitrary suspensions, all publishers know that Google AdSense can never be a reliable source of income. So everyone is looking for an alternative that is reliable, in their view counts and impressions as well as the percentage of share they give and satiability of the account. We do not want our accounts to get suspended without notice or reason, or for someone else’s mischief.

I have tried several advertising networks, over for several months, and each had some advantages and some disadvantages. The only network that had all the advantages any publisher is looking for was:

Here are some of the features of’s advertising network:

1) provides 80% share for publishers, which is far more than
Google AdSense pays.

2) They allow up to 3 ads per page

3) With you do not need to create separate ads units for each domain you have. You can use the very same ads at any number of domains you own or even domains you do not own. One feature I only found with Google AdSense and with is that all other networks will require you to add each domain you want to display ads on and create a new ads unite for each domain and each page within that domain. This can be a huge task for many
publishers, especially those who wish to duplicate on several websites. With BreezeAds, all clicks and views will be attributed to your account, as long as they are carrying you publisher I.D., regardless of which domain, website or webpage they are on.

4) Now we come to a feature that is even better than Google AdSense, which is fraud detection. has an in-house fraud detection system which automatically deducts any invalid clicks or views from your account. So, you do not need to worry about your account getting suspended, even if you or someone else or a software/script kept viewing and clicking adverting. Your account will remain active and your earnings are for you.

5) Publisher accounts get approved in 24 hours.

6) They will approve accounts using blogs, free hosting and free domains such as domains from

7) You can use as an ideal alternative to Google AdSense. Their ads can also be used along with Google AdSense ads on the same website without affecting your Google AdSense account or your account.

8) They pay with Paypal and the minimum payment is only $10.

The conclusion is that is the best Google AdSense alternative.

I can tell you this based on my year of search and trials. I guarantee that you will not find a better alternative to Google AdSense than or a companion advertising network to give you income along with Google AdSense. is a growing source of high quality and volume traffic for Clickbank affiliates and vendors. There are vast amounts of money available to be made from promoting Clickbank products through their affiliate program. Clickbank affiliates often end up getting up to 75% of the sale, sometimes even more than the product’s original owner or marketer. BreezeAds is one of the best ways to get started earning your share of this easy money.

Clickbank affiliate, advertiser and publisher at - the Google Adsense Alternatives. Make Money Online with PPC Pay Per Click Advertising. Publishers Program
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Tags: google, money, impressions, publishers, several times, robot, mischief, advertising networks, advertising network, suspensions