Specifications of Divorce

By: Vikas Gupta | Posted: 21st November 2011

Divorce was considered to be against the public interest, civil courts refused to grant a divorce if evidence revealed any hint of complicity between the husband and wife to divorce, or if they attempted to manufacture grounds for a divorce. Divorce can be sought by husband or wife on certain grounds, including: adultery, cruelty, desertion for two years, religious conversion, mental abnormality, venereal disease, and leprosy. For consensual divorce there is a 6 months cooling off period after filing the consent terms in court before the divorce is granted. There are different laws for granting divorce in many communities. The reality for most people getting divorced is that it is their first - and hopefully - only experience of this kind. However, this lack of experience leaves them quite naive and under-informed about what the divorce process is really all about. A lack of appropriate information leaves people vulnerable to many divorce pitfalls including a potentially vindictive spouse who has absolutely no interest at all in being fair or equitable.
The secular mind-set of the Indian judicial system has initiated proclamation of various personal laws based on different religious faiths. Hindus, Christians and Muslims are governed under separate marriage acts and grounds for divorce in India. Let us have a look at the various grounds for Divorce Lawyer in India. The following are the grounds for divorce in India mentioned under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Divorce cases and thus creating a new set of rules, guidelines and precedents. Conscious of these changes and developments in our social set-up, we have created a team of experts who devote their time, energy and commitment to all the developments around in order to serve the need of the clients in the best and most efficacious manner.
The reality for most people getting divorced is that it is their first - and hopefully - only experience of this kind. However, this lack of experience leaves them quite naive and under-informed about what the divorce process is really all about. A lack of appropriate information leaves people vulnerable to many divorce pitfalls including a potentially vindictive spouse who has absolutely no interest at all in being fair or equitable.
They have plenty of money to enjoy the life. They do love marriage and enjoy many things. So, called busy life style. made both partner unsatisfied. They don't have time to talk with each other. These days in hyper metro cities in India. Where husband do call centre job do night shift and wife do day shift. They hardly spend time. it is impossible for each other to understand hence higher divorce rate. Now Indian females are more educated. Now they understand their rights. They don't listen to their husband. Many times husband and wife�s ego leads to divorce in India.
A divorce is the legal ending of a marriage however most people associate divorce with disputes over finances, the house and other possessions, even the children. In most cases financial settlements and arrangements about the children are handled separately to the actual process of filing for divorce. Though divorce laws vary among jurisdiction, there are two basic approaches to divorce: fault based and no-fault based. However, even in some jurisdictions that do not require a party to claim fault of their partner, a court may still take into account the behavior of the parties when dividing property, debts, evaluating custody, and support.

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Tags: time energy, cooling off period, husband and wife, team of experts, leprosy, hindus, divorce cases, divorce lawyer, grounds for divorce, desertion