Filling Canadian Immigration Form & Using Canadian Immigration Forum

By: preeti sharma | Posted: 09th September 2011

The Land of Endless Opportunities, Canada, is a dream destination and moving into it in one�s capacity as a migrant is a wonderful and exciting opportunity. Immigration and Refugee Act {IRPA}, which is the nation�s new act on immigration, is involved with the process via which migrants get admission into the country.

Those applying for the said purpose must fill in Canadian Immigration Forms with all the necessary details and information, and submit the same, along with the requisite fees, to a Canadian visa office nearby or Citizenship & immigration Canada (CIC).

Those applying are not subjected to any sort of discrimination on the ground of their race, nationality, color or sex. However, their ability to adapt to life in this beautiful country is given attention and looked into.

Canadian Jobs

Many jobs are available in Canada in both as the skilled and unskilled domains, with the biggest domain being of the skilled one. Talking about the former, some vocational training coupled with some vocational education, besides four to five years of work experience, not to mention elementary speaking knowledge of English are what the CIC seems to be interested in.

As for the latter sector, university degrees, professional qualifications, fluency in English and between five and seven years of work experience is required. International work experience gives the applicants an edge.

For the purpose of working in the country, one must have an offer of job from an employer who may have initially made efforts to hire a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident for the job, but may have failed to get the right candidate for the said purpose. The one offering the job has to show that no citizen or permanent resident of the native nation was good enough for the purpose.

Canadian Immigration Forum

It may not be very easy to migrate to a new nation. Actually, it could be well a lot more difficult and complex than what one may actually believe in the beginning. In such a scenario, immigration forums on Canada, much like other similar forums on other nations, bring all those who are interested in migrating to the nation, and also all those who have been through the immigration process, on a common platform, so that they can share their views on the involved process and also enlighten others on the issue. This exchange of valuable information of immigration benefits all the concerned parties.
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Tags: professional qualifications, dream destination, necessary details, beautiful country, vocational training, endless opportunities, permanent resident