Health & Safety UK � Tiger Supplies Health & Safety Special Edition.

By: Thames Jones | Posted: 16th August 2011

Our proven first aid products are selected from the highest quality manufacturers throughout the world and bring the latest medical technology right into one of the most dangerous working environments known today.

Our range of HSE approved first aid kits can service a variety of environments and can provide first aid resources to any sized development. After extensive research into the most common and the most life threatening injuries occurring on modern construction sites the design and contents of our first aid supplies allow immediate relief and life saving support to be bought to those who need it the most.

HSE First Aid Kits & Refills

We supply a wide range of HSE compliant first aid kits which are encased in a rigid, easily identifiable HDPE container which can be easily mounted onto any wall or vertical surface. Packed full of specially selected products such as bandages, sterilising items, dressings, adhesive plasters, eye bandages and eye washers our lightweight medical kits are always to hand when you need them the most. Each medical first aid kit is complete with full and clear instructions to give guidance in high stress situations.

Onsite Safety Stations

For larger developments where multiple hazards are a persistent danger we are able to provide Health & Safety Stations which contain a variety of first aid equipment and fire equipment along with first aid bulletins and medical advice posters mounted on the station to inform and update employees on all Health & Safety issues on site.

Vehicle and Personal First Aid kits

The personal safety of each employee can be maximised by providing fit for purpose individual and vehicle first aid kits, allowing a person to self administer first aid when venturing out alone or into remote areas the provides the capability to administer first aid to themselves or those caught in road traffic accidents, this can make the all difference in surviving with minimal long term implications such as infection and organ damage due to fluid loss.

Marine First Aid Kits

As part of our safety and protection range we also offer first aid kits which are designed specifically for use in marine and offshore environments. Containing a range of items designed to deal with emergency situations from resuscitation, dehydration, broken limbs and fractures to exposure from heat and cold. The marine first aid kit is indispensable when professional medical support is at a distance. Particularly useful for construction sites which are working on or near quarries or have that deep, water filled excavations these kits can make the difference when dealing with water based injuries.

Specialist First Aid Kits

Dealing with industry related injuries can be a tricky and expensive operation to make sure you have the right products available in the right situation. Contained within our first aid range are medical kits designed to help with more specific injuries found in environments such as healthcare, chemical storage, and manufacturing processes. We currently supply specialist kits for:

Body Fluid loss
Eye Washing

For further advice and information about the right type of medical equipment needed for your site please contact us via website.

Signage, Posters and Booklets

In addition to our range of medical kits we also provide an extensive selection of Health & Safety signage and posters to maintain the safety of your employees. From fire exit signage to first aid and mandatory PPE signage we are able to inform and help you maximise the safety of your development through our range of European approved signage. We are one of the first signage manufacturers able to provide the new EN7010 rated signage to the UK construction industry which will be the bench mark for all safety signage from 2011 onwards.

Tiger Supplies Ltd is currently offering a special price for our HSE First Aid kits in June. For further details please enquire via our website, Tiger Supplies remains expert in continuing to supply the latest PPE and safety innovations to the construction market, for the latest PPE releases and construction site supplies please visit
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Tags: medical advice, plasters, first aid kit, bandages, road traffic accidents, first aid kits, term implications, modern construction, construction sites, working environments, quality manufacturers