Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for a Florida Quick Divorce

By: Jeff Miller | Posted: 04th May 2011

If you’re thinking about filing for a Florida quick divorce, take a moment to think before you act. Filing for divorce might just be the biggest decision you’ll ever make in your entire life. It’s a decision that will affect you emotionally, physically, and financially for years to come—maybe even forever.

So that’s why it’s important that you take the extra time to carefully consider this decision to be sure it’s the right one for you. And when it comes to making that decision, it all boils down to asking yourself the right questions.

Before you decide to file for divorce, ask yourself these questions.

“Have I really given our relationship a chance to heal?”

No relationship is perfect. Every marriage goes through its ups and downs. Sometimes, these rough patches can be worked through, and in the end, the marriage can actually be better than it ever was. Make sure you truly put in the work to try to save your marriage. Only after you’ve unsuccessfully given your relationship a chance to heal should you start to seriously consider filing for divorce.

“Why do I want to file for divorce?”

There are a lot of emotions that are involved in getting divorced. You have to make sure you’re not deciding to get a divorce based strictly on these emotions. There has to be rational thought behind this decision. So, list out the reasons you want to file for divorce to make sure you’re truly thinking this through.

“What about the kids?”

If you have kids and you’re thinking about getting divorced, you really have to start focusing your attention on them. How will this divorce affect them? Are you giving them the love and support they need? What can you do to start to prepare them for the changes they’re going to go through when you get divorced? Focus on the kids, because divorce is harder on children than anyone else.

“Can we get an uncontested divorce?”

If you want to get divorced quickly and without any additional drama, filing for an uncontested divorce is the way to go. An uncontested divorce allows you to get divorced within just 30 days of filing for divorce. However, not all couples can get an uncontested divorce. To qualify, both parties must agree to get divorced, and you and your spouse must work out arrangements on your own regarding issues such as division of property, child custody, child support, etc.

“Should I hire a divorce lawyer?”

You have the right to handle your own divorce case, but it’s not advisable. As the old saying goes, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Look for an experienced divorce lawyer who can handle all of the tiny details that go into filing for divorce. This will be much easier and far less stressful for you.

So, take some time to ask yourself all of these questions. And if you do decide that getting divorced is right for you, hire an experienced lawyer to walk you through this important time in your life.

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Tags: ups, relationship, love, emotions, ups and downs, marriage, extra time, rough patches, uncontested divorce, filing for divorce