How should I protect my business interests without moving from location to location?
By: hectrix | Posted: 03rd May 2011
I've heard �horror stories� about centers renting you a virtual office, then right after the initial lease term, raising or doubling your rents, but I actually need to get a Las Vegas Executive Suite.How can I protect my business interests with no need of moving from location to location?
You see an ideal ad for a luxury executive suite for say only �$650 per month for a 3 month with out security deposit - move in now!�. Wow! you go look at the center and it looks great which is what they say it is, everything seems to be in line and before you realise it, you've signed a 3 month contract and things are greatand you are also succeeding, then suddenly you have a notice that your lease increases to $900 each month right after the initial 3 month period (it is sometimes even �hidden� on the lease).
It is advisable to be certain that you're �protected�. You must be sure of a few things before you sign any lease. First and foremost, ask them if the rent will increase right after the initial term and if so, how much. Many centers do a yearly increase of say $35 to $50 monthly or so, but some centers do an increase right after the intial term of three month or 6 months and sometimes it may be hundreds! You may request them to put a rental �cap� in your rental agreement (most centers do this), but if they don't, then you have to ask yourself if it�s worth conducting business there. Additionally if you really feel comfortable enough, do a longer term lease like 6 months or a year and you'll be locked into that good rate for an extended period. You can actually always negotiate a renewal, but do so before you sign anything!
Various �corporate or nationally owned� executive suites will think nothing of selling their center and also the new Landlord will usually desire to make money and will increase the rents. Although this is not really a smart business move on their part and so they stand to lose tenants, they'll expect a particular return for their investment. It really might be a good idea to look into doing business with a privately owned or operated center. Ask the management important concerns about the lease, rents and terms and you will not be frustrated.
ViewPointe Executive Suites will help you with all your needs on Virtual Offices Las Vegas, visit us at www.viewpointecenter.com and take a virtual tour.
Chris - Leasing ManagerThis article is free for republishing
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Tags: money, smart business, horror stories, las vegas, rents, virtual office, rental agreement, executive suites, security deposit, business move, term lease, executive suite, lease term, business interests