Environmental Laws in Kansas

By: Chris C Drucker | Posted: 06th April 2011

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is responsible for the implementation, regulation and enforcement of the environmental laws in Kansas. The Division of Environment in this department consists of bureaus that are credited with enforcing laws in specific areas.
The bureau of air
This department enforces the Kansas clean air act. It issues permits for those who deal in factories with emissions but only after the requirements for setting up such a factory are met. It produces emissions inventory and greenhouse gas information as well as regulates planning and other areas of industry affecting air quality.
The bureau of waste management
This department deals specifically with the management of solid and hazardous waste. The issue of solid and hazardous waste and methods to dispose of them are long standing issues in any state. Disposal of both types of wastes are very specific to the particular subtypes of wastes and thus this department is burdened with the load of regulating disposal methods as well as enforcing laws wherever they may have been breached
The bureau of water
Water is truly the source of life so maintaining clean water is, unfortunately, a hard job. Industries, in the effort to save money, often neglect clean water laws and illegally dispose of waste. This illegal disposal not only affects the local community’s water supply but it may severely impact health as well. This department deals specifically with wells, groundwater, rivers, sea water as well as other bodies of water. It explores how waste is disposed of in water and determines legal limits for water disposal.
Bureau of environmental remediation
This is a very interesting department and it is certainly one that you do not see in every state but it is no less very important. In the portfolio of this department are detailed methods of what to do in the event of a mercury spill, guidance on how to treat meth labs and valuable information as to how to deal with spills and discharges of any kind. There may not be any specific laws surrounding remediation but there are certainly guidelines and it is the job of this bureau to ensure that the guidelines are followed in great detail.

Kansas environmental laws, although modeled from national laws. are certainly unique to Kansas but act on the same basis as the national laws act and that is to protect and preserve the environment.
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Tags: water water, discharges, greenhouse gas, hard job, sea water, bodies of water, hazardous waste