The Law No Longer Under a Schoolmaster

By: Orville Moore | Posted: 21st March 2011

You may not be purposely co-creating with your friends, family, and other associates, but the law of attraction responds to your vibration nonetheless. In other words, you co-create when you're focusing with another-whether you want to or not. So ask yourself a question: with whom do I focus my creative energy and what are we co-creating?

If you think that this person needs you, understand that they are a powerful creator who has their own Inner Being to guide them. You cannot change them, but their presence in your life may lead you to have thoughts and feelings that hold you in vibrational disharmony with your desires.

According to my most recent research, there are only ten jurisdictions that continue to recognize common law marriage (Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and the District of Columbia), and five others that do so, but only if the relationship was established prior to a certain date (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Idaho, Ohio and Oklahoma). There are a few countries that also recognize common law marriage, or a status similar to common law marriage.

The parties had also traveled widely, though they lived within the same borough of New York City for the entirety of their relationship. Yet, fatally to Mrs. A's claim, the only common law marriage jurisdiction that they had traveled to was Washington, D.C. On this point, the Court's decision, granting Mr. A's motion for dismissal of the common law marriage cause of action, focused on the District of Columbia's requirement that the parties to an alleged common law marriage must have done more than just cohabited as husband and wife; they must have cohabited after expressly agreeing, "in words of the present tense", to become "man and wife".

True enough, just knowing about the Universal Law of Attraction isn't enough. There are some other Universal Laws to know about and understand if you want to apply the Universal Law of Attraction correctly. However, it doesn't help you if you must think about a whole bunch of additional Universal Laws, subsidiary laws, spiritual laws, and so on all the time.

The international legal community recognizes the same sources of international law as does the United States' legal system. The three sources of international law are stated and defined in the Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States (R3dFRLUS), Section 102. The first source is Customary International Law (CIL), defined as the "general and consistent practice of states followed out of a sense of legal obligation" (opinio juris sive necessitatus), rather than out of moral obligation.

CURRENT STATUS OF THE RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT No State today will publicly state that it is within its sovereign rights to damage their domestic environment, much less that of the international community, however most States do not guarantee environmental protection as a basic human right. Currently, environmental law is composed of mostly Conventional International Law and some CIL. The former relies on express consent and the latter on implied consent, unless a State avails itself of the Persistent Objector principle, which precludes it from being bound by even most CIL. Unlike for human rights and international crimes, there is no general environmental rights court in existence today. While the Law of the Sea Tribunal and other U.N. forums (e.g., the ICJ) exist for trying cases of treaty violations, non-treaty specific violations have no international venue at present. Italian Supreme Court Justice Amedeo Postiglione states that

In a separate opinion to the Case Concerning the Gebecikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judge Weeramantry, the Vice President of the ICJ, expounded on the legal basis for sustainable development as a general principle of international law. In the process, he concludes that environmental protection is a universal erga omnes legal norm that is both CIL as well as a general principle of law per se. In Gebecikovo, ostensibly to have been decided upon the merits of the treaty governing the building of power plants along the Danube, as well as by international customary law, the ICJ held that the right to development must be balanced with the right to environmental protection by the principle of sustainable development. Even in the absence of a specific treaty provision, the concept of sustainable development has become a legal principle that is "an integral principle of modem international law".

The critical weaknesses of the existing system include self-serving pronouncements by non-complying States, lack of effective enforcement mechanisms, political limitations such as State sovereignty and the "margin of appreciation", and the lack of universal consensus on basic human rights terminology and their enforcement. As long as States can ignore commonplace violations of human rights (sporadic instances of torture, occasional "disappearances") and shun the edicts of human rights judicial decisions, there can be no effective system of international human rights enforcement. Currently, unless a State commits such outrageous acts on a mass scale that affects world peace, such as in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, it can often evade its responsibilities under international human rights treaties.About the Author
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Tags: desires, friends family, thoughts and feelings, jurisdiction, marriage, husband and wife, new york city, washington d c, vibration, creative energy, law of attraction, universal laws, disharmony, district of columbia, jurisdictions, man and wife, present tense