How to start Your Car Accident Claims the Right Way
By: Asif | Posted: 17th March 2011
The easiest way to get more money from your car accident claims is to start with your settlements the right way.
Here are a few the steps that you must follow when starting your auto accident claims up against another driver�s insurance:
Watch out for Blame Questions
In the beginning of your accident claims, the insurance company may ask you questions that will try to make you liable for their insurer's car accident.
For example, one of more common questions asked by the insurance companies is : �How could you have avoided the accident?�
If you read it closely, you will see that this question assumes that you were the person who was at fault for the accident. That the accident may have been prevented if you had been driving more attentively.
At the outset of the car accident injury claim, the matter of fault is still unknown. The insurance company can't certainly know who is answerable for the accident until they evaluate the car accident report, talk to witnesses, evaluate the evidence etc. That takes a lot of time and research.
By asking this question this early in the claims process, the insurance company is setting you up to take accountability for the car crash.
The more blame they can give you, the lower your car accident claim.
To avoid this trap, simply answer back to this question: � I could not have prevented the accident since your driver struck me.�
Whether you could have avoided the accident is irrelevant at this moment. In the event the accident was your fault, the evidence will clearly point to it.
But at this moment, don�t assume you�re already accountable for the auto accident. Doing so will only damage you and greatly reduce your chances of getting more money. So be certain that you listen really carefully to how the insurance companies phrase their questions to you.
The biggest thing you are attempting to do at this point ..
Focus your attention on the Other Driver
As soon as you tell the insurance company about the accident, talk about how the other vehicle owner was involved.
Don�t say: �I was in a car crash with your insurer�. Say things like:
�Your insurer rammed into me�
�Your insurer slammed my car coming from the back�
�Your insurer crossed the red light and damaged my car.�
By shifting the focus on the other car driver, you are avoiding getting responsibility for the accident. This helps improve your odds of getting a higher settlement.
It's important to realize that you should NEVER lie to the insurance companies about your car accident. If you do lie, the evidence will clearly expose you and you can face serious charges.
If you begin your car accident claims the right way, you increase your likelihood of getting more money from the insurance companies.
To learn how to get more money from from your insurance claims, please visit www.after-car-accidents.comThis article is free for republishing
Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/how-to-start-your-car-accident-claims-the-right-way-2123619.html
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Tags: phrase, money, asking this question, insurance company, insurance, accountability, insurance companies, outset, car crash, insurer, car accident claim, auto accident, car accident claims