Free Divorce Help - Divorce Advice for Men
By: mcwest | Posted: 14th March 2011
Men who are going through a divorce have some special considerations to make in order to make the divorce go as smooth as possible. This is especially true for those who are going through a contentious divorce. Of course, divorce cases are different, and not all women will give their husbands a hard time out of spite. Still, there are some things to keep in mind during these times. Here are some free divorce advice for men:
1. File first - If things have taken a bad turn at home recently, it's better to be the first one to file for a divorce and be in front of the judge speaking rather than be on the other end, defending yourself. It's unfortunate but unless you handle your divorce well, courts often side with the women on many things.
2. Don't leave the marital home - It's best not to leave the marital home unless your wife has a court order to do so. Leaving the marital home can be construed as abandonment and could change your chances in custody hearings. However, this isn't something easy to do, especially if you're dealing with a slighted soon-to-be ex spouse. There's always the danger of being wrongly accused of domestic violence, and of the home environment to turn quite toxic over a short period of time.
3. Close all joint accounts - As a precautionary measure, close all joint accounts in order to remove the possibility of your wife racking up debts that you may end up paying. Keep the marital debt as it is, open a new individual account, and request for a copy of your credit report as soon as possible. This will give you a good idea of whether there are other credit accounts you should be closing, or if there's a debt that you are not aware of.
4. Don't use the same lawyer - Some people opt for this in order to save money on legal fees. However, it's not always a good idea, especially if you're not in agreement about a lot of things. Even if you are in agreement with how the divorce will go so far, there's really no telling what will happen down the road and whether your wife will suddenly have a change of heart about things.
5. Keep a journal of your whereabouts - Always keep track of your whereabouts and who can verify that you are in a certain place at a certain time. This is to protect yourself from being falsely accused of domestic violence. It sounds paranoid but the truth is that these things happen and you don't want to be unpleasantly surprised by a court order kicking you out of the house because you beat your wife or children up. If your wife is the type to pick a fight with you, it would also be a good idea to keep an audio recorder on your person so that you can gather proof that you didn't do anything wrong. You should also resist the urge to retaliate, even in the form of leaving nasty messages on her answering machine or voicemail.
6. Join a divorce support group - Divorce support groups can give you free divorce tips for men and free divorce help. Many people will attest that joining a support group has helped them through a difficult time. This could be very useful to you, especially if it is your first time to go through a divorce.
These six free divorce advice are just the tip of the iceberg as there are many more divorce tips that will further help men make their case during the divorce process. For more effective divorce help, click on the free divorce advice for men or copy and paste the URL on your browser: http://www.divorceguide.com/free-divorce-advice/marriage-and-separation-advice/free-divorce-advice-for-men.htmlThis article is free for republishing
Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/free-divorce-help--divorce-advice-for-men-2113968.html
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Tags: period of time, many things, short period, spite, time out, hard time, debts, lawyer, credit report, time 3, credit accounts, abandonment, whe, domestic violence, home environment, divorce cases, precautionary measure