Causes of discrimination

By: discrimination59 | Posted: 07th March 2011

Discrimination is the act of making distinctions in favor of or opposed to certain people, classes or individuals, or primarily because of one’s race, religion or ethnicity. Discrimination is dealing with a particular human being determined by bias, instead of on one’s personal qualities. Prejudice involves excluding, limiting, denouncing or prohibiting an individual from a class from the ability to have several opportunities or benefits offered and made available to another. The expression "discrimination" evolved from its usage in the American Civil War as a phrase indicating intolerance to a person founded only on her or his racial ethnicity. The word is later expanded to encompass belonging to a distinct, thought to be undesirable class or social category.

Discrimination has occupied a major part in the extended history of man's time on earth. Major populations throughout history have carried out forms of discrimination in one way or other and to varying degrees. It should also be noted that bigger communities as a trend have a larger tendency to discriminate against other people. The level of advancement and the breadth and density of bigger populations allowed these groups to form ways of socializing in a way sufficient to sustain their particular social order. However, even with these achievements, societies tended to remain insular contained by their particular culture and had limited contact with outside populations. One civilization might see their group with pride and perceive different ones as "lesser" or not having notable merit. And thus develops the tendency to discriminate against groups who are unknown. For instance, the people of spain discriminated against Jews, and the United States also discriminated against its black and local Native American Indian populations. Discrimination in the work place has also been rampant up to today.

There exist no widespread established ideas of the original source of discrimination. There might be many potential explanations, nevertheless, nearly all experts consent that discrimination isn't a general individual attribute; no one is born into the world with the feeling. There exists proof indicating that the feeling is caused by social norms and learned behavior. As an illustration, if discrimination was inherent to humans, then intermarriage and assimilation between foreign groups would not be a possibility. Evidence also shows that little kids tend not to show bias or discrimination. Though there isn't widespread understanding about the basis of discrimination and bias, there is concurrence that they make up a learned behavior. The formation of a child's beliefs all starts with the family, parents, teachers and first community friends. Organizations and the media further contribute to discriminatory feelings which can soon give it social authority. So as we talk of eliminating discrimination, people must remember that hatred is something that is learned and therefore ought to be untaught. The best plan of action is to guarantee that the spirit of justice and decency are omnipresent by way of education and legislation.

Luckily, the modern world generally is at the present less lenient of discrimination than it was in the past. As a rule nations now have laws preventing discrimination in some forms, if not altogether, in many facets of our lives. Discrimination on the job in the America is prohibited by law. The importance of civil rights, educated immigration procedures and rules for quota employment are amongst the foundation of legal ways to diminish the impact of bias and discrimination. Nevertheless, the last frontier the world must discover a solution to put a stop to discrimination rests in the private sphere, and eventually in every individual.
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Tags: phrase, density, expression, explanations, breadth, pride, tendency, bias, spain, distinctions, prejudice, original source, civilization, personal qualities, jews, american civil war