Immigrant Investor Visa Attracts Foreign Investments
By: Stanley Hermosillo | Posted: 11th February 2011
With the Immigration Act of 1990, the Congress of the United States of America was able to create the immigrant investor visa. Since then, many foreign investors have been attracted to investing their money into businesses in the United States. It is a win-win situation for all parties involved - investors are able to enjoy profit and a good life in the US, and the US economy continues to flourish as a result of the job creation and sustenance of existing businesses and regional centers.
The immigrant investor visa, otherwise known as the EB5 or 5th employment based visa preference, was devised by the United States Congress in 1990 as a part of that year�s Immigration Act.
Investors hoping to expand their investments into potential assets overseas may come to the United States of America and invest at least one million dollars in a pre-existing business or a government approved regional center. The government allows the one million dollar investment requirement to be reduced to $500,000 if the investor wishes to devote the money towards a targeted employment area (to be determined by the government of the United States). Targeted employment area is only a title that is given to places that have 150% unemployment rate below the national average. The investments made in the targeted employment area must be able to produce at least ten full-time jobs for Americans, regardless of whether the investor invested one-million dollars or a half-million dollars.
The Eb5 Visa Program is a great way for foreign investors to expand their assets in a foreign country without any educational requirements, existing business, or language competence; this is different from other United States visas that require many examinations and other evidences to be presented to the embassy consul. Foreign investors will only be examined and evaluated through their capability to supply legitimate funds to support pre-existing businesses and other investment opportunities that the government has identified. Many foreign investors lean on to this visa program because of the ease of application and the high acceptance rate into the country. It is a very attractive option for people with a large amount of assets wanting to move into the United States.
If foreign investors earn the Immigrant Investor Visa and the Green Card Visa via the regional center option, it makes things much easier for the investor, because most of the set-up work is already done even before any investor puts in the money. All the preparations, such as identification of the location for the business, final drafts of the business plans, and even initial implementation of primary operations, are already handled. A lot of investors choose this option because processing is quicker.
The immigrant investor visa is a goldmine of opportunities for foreign investors and the United States economy alike. As a result of this program, more jobs are created, and more money is placed into the US economy. More investors in the country mean a better future for everyone.
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Tags: time jobs, foreign investors, unemployment rate, job creation, evidences, one million dollars, united states congress, educational requirements, dollar investment, visa program, investor visa, regional center, eb5 visa, immigrant investor