Tips On Handling Child Support Enforcement in Jacksonville, FL

By: michellegillett | Posted: 20th January 2011

Child support is an important part of any parent�s duty. While one can legally divorce or separate from a spouse or partner, there are thankfully no provisions for divorcing your own children. Court ordered child maintenance payments are in place to ensure that the children don�t suffer as a result of parents who have split up. The welfare of the children should always be of paramount importance.

The sad reality is that not all parents are able to adequately fulfill this necessary duty. People who refuse but are capable of paying for the monthly alimony are categorized as criminally non-compliant individuals. The court differentiates between them and the fathers and mothers who are willing but simply don�t have the money for child support. Individuals who are bankrupt or jobless and cannot afford to meet this regular payment schedule are not criminally liable.

Single parents from Jacksonville, Florida who are having difficulties with dead-beat ex-spouses have several options to pursue in order to resolve the situation.

�#Research about the laws on child support enforcement Jacksonville promotes. Determine if your spouse is in violation of your state�s specific guidelines. These laws vary from county to county, that�s why it�s wise to educate yourself on what the prevailing policy in your area first.
�#Once you�ve determined that your spouse is indeed guilty of violating these guidelines, it�s imperative that you hire a lawyer with sufficient expertise and familiarity with child support enforcement Jacksonville laws. He or she will be able to guide you on the proper steps you need to take in order for your grievance to be satisfactorily dealt with.
�#It�s important that you find representation you can trust. Find a reputable lawyer of child support enforcement Jacksonville residents would be proud to call their own. With all the meetings and hearings, child support cases can and usually do last for an extended amount of time. These cases can also end up costing quite a sum of money. Make sure you choose an attorney that would put the resolution of your suit over their desire for a bigger paycheck.
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Tags: amount of time, money, paramount importance, lawyer, provisions, familiarity, proper steps, sad reality, welfare, single parents, grievance, alimony, regular payment, child support enforcement