How to Put Payroll Information on a W-2 Form

By: Lisa Heather | Posted: 24th November 2010

Now is the time for employers to start thinking about W2 Forms. Employers are required to issue W-2 forms to their employees no later than January 31, 2011.

Employers have two options to generate Form W2 themselves. Those using payroll software may have the option to print w2 forms directly from their software. If that option is not available they may choose to utilize W-2 software.

In general payroll software automatically generates Form W-2 using the payroll data generated throughout the year for each employee. Enter general company information including employer identification number and address. Subsequently enter employee general information including Social Security Number and address. Because filing status, number of exemptions and pay frequency all go in to determining the amount of income tax withholding, which is reflected on employee�s Form W2, this is important data to add to your payroll software. Once your payroll program has been set-up with your company data you are ready to create checks and print W2 forms.

In payroll software click the pay button, bring up the employee�s pay check information. For hourly or per piece employees enter the number of hours or pieces, for salaried employees the gross income will automatically be entered and for variable types of incomes such as commission the user will enter the gross income. By entering these amounts and hitting the tab key on the keyboard the payroll provider will see the withholding information which will then automatically transfer to Form W2.

Create payroll checks that automatically calculate federal and state income tax withholding. The income tax withholding from the checks will automatically be populated on Form W-2. Box 1 will include federally taxable wages, Box 2 federal income tax withheld, Box 3 social security wages, Box 4 social security tax withheld, Box 5 Medicare wages, Box 6 Medicare tax withheld, Box 7 social security tips, Box 8 Allocated tips, Box 9 advance EIC payments, Box 10 dependent care benefits, Boxes 11, 12 a, 12b, 12c, 12d, 13, 14 will all be brought over from the payroll checks that have been created in the system. State tax Boxes 15 through 20 will include the withholdings from the employees� checks pertaining to state income tax where applicable.

For employers not using automated payroll software a good choice for printing Form W2 is W2 software. Separate W2 software allows the user to fill in company, employee and W2 data directly on W2 forms. Then print W-2 forms to issue to employees and submit to the Social Security Administration.

Employers are required to report employee wages and income tax withholding to the Social Security Administration. Find detailed Form W2 instructions on the Internal Revenue Service website.

Payroll Mate and W2 Mate software both excellent choices to print Form W-2. Payroll Mate automatically calculates federal and state income tax withholding and transfers the amounts to Form W-2. This payroll program easily prints W2 forms to be issued to employees. W2 Mate is a simple fill in W2 form printing software. This W2 software prepares, files and prints Form W2.
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Tags: social security number, gross income, federal income tax, payroll software, state income tax, employer identification number, income tax withholding, payroll checks