Textile Manufacturer � technology and adaptability are the mantra for success

By: Emilyralph | Posted: 11th November 2010

Prior to introduction of machines, the entire process of textile manufacturing was being done at home. Handlooms and spinning wheels were the primary tools used for manufacturing of textiles. Post industrial revolution, the textile industry became a mass cloth producing industry and textile manufacturers introduced roller spinning machines and the flyer and bobbin system. This enabled textile industry moved from being a labor driven industry to a mechanized one.

The role of a textile manufacturer involves multi tasking at all levels. Textile manufacturers work with a wide range of raw materials, machinery and labor. The job of a textile manufacturer starts at the planning level and goes all the way till the final product is in place. The job of a textile manufacturer also requires good negotiation skills as they work with a number of people from the stage of planning to the stage of production and marketing. There are many situations faced by textile manufacturers where they need to exhibit ability to lead and motivate production teams. Textile industry is one such industry where a lot of learning is done while on the job, people learn the skills essential to survive in the industry by overcoming day to day challenges.

Textile manufacturers have to be well versed with the usage of machinery, which are fast moving and can be dangerous if not handled correctly. Besides inter personal skills and ability to use machines, manufacturers need to display an understanding of the scientific aspects of their job.

Over the year�s textile manufacturers irrespective of the size of their manufacturing unit are realizing the importance of technology. Textile manufacturers are doing their best to improve technical knowledge and overall global competency. With introduction to technology manufacturers can employ best business solutions, which can further boost productivity and generate more business.

With the opening of international markets the textile industry has witnessed tremendous growth and there are many manufacturers operating in the international market as well. Globalization has definitely opened many doors for textile manufacturers, however, it has also increased the level of competition in the market. It is no longer possible for a textile manufacturer to survive competition by just producing quality products. The way you market a product is of significant importance and manufacturers have to go that extra mile to increase product visibility in the market.

Internet has emerged as one of the most prominent and important medium of marketing your products. In order to promote products on large scale textile manufacturers can register with portals, websites and trade directories. These portals and websites display comprehensive information about textile manufacturers, there are of expertise and contact details. The displayed information helps clients and consumers contact you as per their requirements. However, be cautious before making any financial commitment. Verify credentials and working standards of the company before registering with any website or online portal.

Innovate strategies and a zest for learning is extremely important in the field of textile manufacturing. Manufacturers need to brain storm and come out with marketing techniques that will not only increase sales but also enhance your market presence and business interests.

Emily Ralph is an independent small business consultant who advises and counsels small business owners and helps them. To access more information about small business manufacturer, free tenders, home furnishing suppliers and textile manufacturer visit http://www.hellotrade.com
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Tags: international markets, technical knowledge, industrial revolution, personal skills, raw materials, negotiation skills, multi tasking, textiles, textile industry