Never Use Your Emotions To Time Your Divorce

By: Johnfox | Posted: 29th September 2010

Never Use Your Emotions To Time Your Divorce

Cathi Adams �All Rights Reserved

Emotions feature prominently in any marriage. So how do you leave them out?

While it is absolutely true that emotions are very difficult to leave out of a marriage, it is also true that the biggest mistake you can make today as a married woman, is to make a hasty decision about divorce, that is totally based on your emotions.

That is exactly how some unfortunate women have ended up in the streets, desperate and penniless while their ex-husbands have been left to enjoy the family assets that they worked so hard together in acquiring. It really cannot get more painful than that.

Using emotions to make decisions is the reason why many men have gotten the better of women for years. In the increasingly ruthless world of divorce courts and settlements you should make every effort to control your emotions as much as possible. While few women would like to be like the cold and calculating lawyers and husbands that are fleecing women in divorce courts these days, they really have no option but to fight off, as much as they possibly can, the emotions and feelings of hurt that are at the core of a marriage headed for the divorce courts.

But controlling your emotions is not enough. To be happily and successfully divorced, a woman also needs information. In fact very specific information on what to do to ensure that no divorce-seeking husband takes advantage of them. After all nobody wants to be left with nothing to show, after spending the best years of their lives in a marriage that suddenly starts to go wrong one day.

In the same way smart women should not allow their emotions to keep them from acquiring information to help them prepare for the eventuality of a divorce even where they are currently happily married. Getting valuable divorce information does not mean that you are anticipating divorce. It just means that you are preparing yourself for any eventuality. It is just like the way folks take out life insurance on their spouses. It doesn�t mean that they want to murder them (at least in most instances) It is just a smart thing to do in this unpredictable life, in preparing for eventualities that could cause serious problems to your current financial status.


Cathi Adams is the author of "Divorce Secrets: What Every Women
Should Know." This invaluable resource provides steps to ensure
financial security to woman faced with the possibility of
Visit her web site for a FREE report �What You Absolutely Must
Know Before You Even THINK About Getting A Divorce:


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Tags: decisions, emotions, feelings, biggest mistake, lawyers, marriage, many men, eventuality, hasty decision, married woman