Accident Claims Helpline - Road Traffic Accidents
By: Accident Claims Helpline | Posted: 14th September 2010
If you have been injured in a car accident that was not your fault you can claim compensation. If the accident was caused by someone else's poor driving then you can claim compensation for your injuries. You can claim compensation for any medical attention you required and for any loss of earnings.
The personal injury compensation that you claim is completely separate to the compensation that you receive to help fix any damages to your vehicle.
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and you think a third party is at fault, you can make a claim for compensation. You must claim within three years of the date of the accident.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident the next steps you should take involve getting the details of the other driver involved, get a quote on the damage to your vehicle immediately and make a note of where the accident took place. If possible get the names of witnesses and passengers that can give a statement. It is also useful to make a note of any visits to the hospital or doctors that you make as a result of the accident. If you have all the necessary information it will help get you the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible. If you can't get all the required information, don't worry.
If the accident was caused due to a friend or family member and were the passenger in a car accident you can also claim for personal injury compensation. The most common injuries following a car accident are whiplash, headaches, and upper and lower back aches and pains and seatbelt bruising, no matter how small you accident there is always a chance you can claim compensation.
Compensation is paid in full by the third party's insurance company and you receive 100% of the compensation.
So what are you waiting for...claim today.This article is copyright
Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/accident-claims-helpline--road-traffic-accidents-1743141.html
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Tags: third party, worry, headaches, damages, doctors, insurance company, insurance, medical attention, family member, car accident, seatbelt, personal injury compensation, whiplash, road traffic accident, loss of earnings