Register A Domain Name

By: SATTI | Posted: 08th September 2010

Today I want to tell you about Domain Registration. When you are going to register a domain then various companies offering you Free Domain,Actually that is not Domain that is only Sub-Domain. So, if you want to make your business web site then don't go for Free domain name. Go for Paid Domain Name it will good for your business.

Second thing is Choosing the name of Domain that will be fits your business. There is no perfect domain name You have to take some Guidelines For choosing domain. when you are naming the domain that should be related to your business and services will give you some tips that may help you. can help you for choosing domain.

If you cannot get the right name then How to Choose a Good Domain Name try variations with hyphens or underscores. Google sees the hyphen as a space and according to Matt Cutts, his preference is first for the hyphenated and then the all in one terms.

Registering with your own domain registrar assures that you are listed as the site owner, that other contact information is just as you wish it to be. Keep the domain locked to transfer as a rule of thumb when you are finished registering. Some people claim there are no good names left. That is doubtful. One mans meat, as they say, is another mans poison. You will quite likely find what you're looking for if you try variants of it.

In the business Industries many people doing business with their web site so, if you want to make your web site. then book its name Quickly because at the same time many other companies doing same kind of business and they booked the name before you. so, book the name quickly otherwise another company the name which choose that can booked. well, now register the Domain name with your self. you can take help from the registrar

if you want some special name then pay certain amount to the registrar. This name usually has to be renewed annually. Domain name will be similar with your business. that keyword will give traffic to your website and easy to remember your user. this is all about booking domain.

get Domain and space

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Tags: hyphen, google, traffic, preference, domain registrar, domain registration, rule of thumb, variations, doing business, free domain name, business web, poison, business industries