Discussing Divorce With Your Children
By: sagbee | Posted: 07th September 2010
Constant communication between you and your children is very important especially during times of trials such as a divorce process. The children need to be assured that they are not responsible for the things that are happening around them regarding divorce. They also need to be reassured that both parents love them and want them to continue being a part of their lives in spite of what is happening. With the help of the Plano divorce lawyer, parents can guide their children towards the numerous changes they will be facing before, during and after the divorce process and come out unscathed.
The best way to do this is for parents to sit down with their children and talk lengthily and exhaustively about the divorce. While some parents choose to talk to their children together as a group, other couples would opt to talk to their children individually, one at a time, owing to the age differences, learning comprehension, and personality differences of the children.
The Plano divorce lawyer needs to emphasize to the parents that both of them should equally be involved in explaining the circumstances to their children. The parents should at least be united in this regard from the very start. There would be more security and reassurance to the children knowing the details of the divorce from both their parents. This is of course to be done with the guidance of the Plano divorce lawyer.
The parents however, need not discuss to their children the reasons why they are divorcing. They need to avoid putting the blame against each other and let the children take sides or anything like that. With the guidance of the Plano divorce lawyer, the parents only need to explain to their children that they will not be living together anymore and should tell the children how this would affect them in the process. Much understanding and patience is required from both parents in discussing the matter of divorce to their children.
It is important that children are allowed time to understand everything that is happening within their family. Although they are aware of the fact that there is a rough situation in the home insofar as their parents are concerned, they may still be taken aback by the idea of a divorce in their midst. As the Plano divorce lawyer emphasizes, the parents should assure their children that they can approach any of them for their concerns and questions on anything about their family.
A series of meetings between the parents and their children are necessary regarding this matter, ideally spaced a couple of weeks apart. This would give the children time to digest the implications of the divorce process, and they may be more open to talk deeper about it after some time. It is also important for parents to give and assure their children of their total support for them during the entire divorce process.
The Plano divorce lawyer can be of extreme help for the parents to iron out their differences with each other before proceeding to discuss matters with their children. The Plano family attorney is quite adept in handling the different issues on divorce.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: reassurance, parents, patience, circumstances, guidance, spite, regard, couples, comprehension, divorce lawyer