Russian Visa in Toronto Canada. Russian Visa Application & Requirements.
By: visaexpress | Posted: 18th August 2010
To apply for Russian visa in Canada you have to submit filled out and signed Application Form (filled out and signed), original passport and one Passport size photo (3.5cm x 4.5cm). Non-Canadian applicants also submit Proof of Legal Status in Canada (PR Card, Work Permit, etc.). Former citizens of the USSR or Russian Federation submit Proof of Non-Russian Citizenship (Visa to Israel, Record of Landing dated before Feb.6, 1992, etc.). Citizens of European Union and Israel must have Copy of medical insurance policy valid for travel to Russia.
Russian Business Visa - the most important document to be submitted is Invitation or Visa Support. Invitation from your Russian host must be issued by the local office of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation and be submitted in original. Every invitation must contain name in full, date of birth, citizenship and passport number of the applicant, name of hosting organisation, reason and period of visit. Invitation must be signed by authorised person and carry the official seal of Interior Ministry. Visa Support is provided by Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation or by Ministry�s local offices only.
Russian Tourist Visa - the most important document to be submitted is a Confirmation and Voucher for Foreign Tourist. Confirmation is issued by the Russian hosting travel company. It carries a reference number of the hosting company (which confirms that this company is allowed to receive foreign tourists), personal data of each tourist, dates of trip, itinerary in Russia, services as paid. Confirmation must be signed by authorised person and carry the official seal of the Russian travel company. A Voucher from Russian hosting tourist company explaining who is travelling, where, when, services as paid. Voucher must be signed by authorised person and carry the official seal of the Russian travel company.
VisaExpress Provides with Business and Tourist Visa Invitations. Prices are included in service fees. http://www.passportvisatoronto.com/RussiaVisa.htmlThis article is free for republishing
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Tags: business visa, medical insurance policy