The Children Of Divorce Need Protection By A Good Legal Team
By: Nick Messe | Posted: 15th July 2010
Divorce and the issues associated with it is an emotional and stressful situation for all parties involved. The children of a divorcing couple are perhaps the most affected by the proceedings. The upheaval in their family life and structure can cause many problems in both their personal and school lives. It is very important that the children of divorce are protected as well as possible during these proceedings and that their welfare is always the first priority.
A divorce attorney will place a child's interest above that of the parents. Custody, visitation rights and support issues will all be part of the divorce proceedings. It is the divorce lawyer's obligation to ensure that the children are properly cared for after the divorce.
After a divorce new issues may arise regarding support and child custody arrangements. Situations may have arisen that call for a change in the custody arrangements. If a court ordered appearance is required, a child custody attorney should be consulted. Again, the child custody lawyer will take the best interest of the child into consideration. They can represent the parents, but in the long run, will make sure the child receives the proper protection.
Visitation rights and privileges may also need to be adjusted after the divorce proceedings. Situations, as well as people, change and the welfare of the children must always be addressed. If, for some reason, the current visitation schedule needs to be changed, you will need to employ an attorney to request a hearing.
You cannot just change visitation arrangements on your own. Visitation rights are set forth in the divorce decree, a legal binding contract. To change this contract you must appear before the court, preferably with professional legal representation. At that time you will be able to have your case heard and, if the court agrees, have your visitation guidelines changed.
Changes in employment and income may require you to change your child support payments. To do this you must, again, go before the court and plead your case. With the assistance of counsel you will be able to tell the court why you, as the custodial parent, need the payment increased or you, as the supporting parent, need to decrease your obligation. The court will hear both sides of the issue and make a determination. A family lawyer, specializing in these issues, can help you with this requirement.
Divorce is neither easy nor fun. Even a divorce where both parties amicably decide to end their marriage, there are many legal issues involved. If there are children that are a product of that marriage, many other issues come in to play. For this reason the hiring of an attorney is very necessary.
Splitting of assets, tax obligations, property distributions and, of course, child related issues must all be negotiated and agreed upon. These negotiations will lead to a court settlement and the issuing of a divorce decree. This process can become very complicated and needs the expertise of a family lawyer.
In the Milwaukee area contact Figueroa, Jackson, & Franklin, LLC, Milwaukee bankruptcy lawyers and Milwaukee divorce lawyers. Call us at 414-937-5006 for a free case evaluation.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: best interest, upheaval, child support payments, stressful situation, custody arrangements, divorce proceedings, rights and privileges, binding contract, divorce attorney, divorce lawyer, visitation rights, divorce decree