Advantages of Digital Fingerprinting Over Traditional Ink Pad Fingerprints
By: William Turner | Posted: 07th July 2010
Fingerprinting is a process using which the detection of the criminals has become much
easier. This makes it one of the significant procedures of the investigation department.
Earlier, during the ancient age, the process of fingerprinting was used as a type of
business by the Egyptians. The main feature that makes the process of fingerprinting so
important is that no two people can have similar fingerprints. However, with the advent of
technology to such an extreme height, digital fingerprinting technique has emerged that is
also utilized for the same purpose with enhanced mechanism. Fingerprinting Toronto also
plays a vital role in making the state completely crime-free.
Most of the services of the police or the investigation department have been modernized in
current scenario. In rare cases, you will come across the ink pad fingerprints. This is
because the ink pad fingerprints have got replaced with the digital fingerprinting device as
a result of the technological advancements. Fingerprinting Toronto has contributed to a
great extent in detecting the presence of several criminals associated with one or the other
crime and punish them based on the nature of their crime. As far as the crime field is
concerned, it has been observed that the criminals, at some point of time, started feeling
fret free, but the emergence of the mechanical devices has led them to be worried about
their future as prisoners.
The digital fingerprinting device takes the fingerprint of the suspect and introduces it
into the data bank of the computer to detect the criminals. This equipment is utilized so
that the innocent people who suffer as a result of the criminal activities of the culprits
could feel satisfied once they get justice. With the successful completion of several cases,
the popularity of these digital devices have gained enormous popularity. It follows a
separate step in identifying the criminals from list of suspects. Fingerprinting Toronto
also considers both these types of fingerprinting process as important for the investigation
or crime department.
Fingerprinting Toronto utilizes digital fingerprinting without taking into account any ink
pad finger printing. The device is a machine with a screen on it that enables the
fingerprints to be viewed when the suspect puts his hand on smaller glass screen. After
scanning the prints, it finally gives the accurate result to tell you the truth about who
the criminal is. Along with these techniques, DNA evidences can also be checked by the
devices well equipped with such required features. Due to the availability of these
facilities, however, the detection and identification of the criminals have become really
very easy.
With the help of fingerprinting
Toronto or others, the criminals who earlier thought that they are smart enough to go
beyond the trap of the police and investigation, are now being arrested for their crimes. In
earlier era, the ink pad fingerprints ensured the detection of the criminal but it required
long analysis to find them, but still in some cases, it was difficult to do so. But, the
emergence of digital
fingerprinting device ensures accurate results with the display of the one who is
genuinely the culprit.
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Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/advantages-of-digital-fingerprinting-over-traditional-ink-pad-fingerprints-1640157.html
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Tags: presence, extent, rare cases, advent, emergence, culprits, criminals, toronto, egyptians, fingerprints, prisoners, mechanical devices, technological advancements, enormous popularity, fingerprint