San Diego Divorce Lawyer James D. Scott Explains High-Income Divorce
By: Caldiatech | Posted: 12th May 2010
James D. Scott, founder of Scott Family Law, a San Diego based divorce and family law firm, and author of 100 Favorite California Family Code Sections and 105 Laws of Evidence explains the California laws for high income divorce.
If you make $1,000,000 per year, with one child, the Guideline law could calculate that this single child needs $6,500 per month for support. We think that is absurd. Extra Ordinarily High Income is a term found in Family Code Section 4057. This label of extra ordinarily high income begins at about $1,000,000 per year. At our San Diego divorce and family law firm, we can discuss with you how you may qualify for a deviation down from that harsh guideline on child support.
Professional athletes and executives have unique needs that we understand. Although Scott Family Law, San Diego divorce lawyers, practices at all levels, including charity cases and we provide judge pro tem services to the court at no charge, our niche is representing baseball, football and basketball players and executives in child support and family court. We have decades of experience in these types of cases and our clients come from Northern California to Southern California, Houston, Boston and Minneapolis.
We have carved out a niche specialty in professional athlete divorces. If you are an agent, a manager, a player or an executive, give us a call.
As a certified divorce specialist in San Diego, I wrote the book entitled 100 Favorite California Family Code Sections and 105 Laws of Evidence. It's widely used by family lawyers throughout California. Our San Diego family law firm provides a copy of the book to everyone who interviews in the office. These laws or Code Sections are written in Sacramento and signed into law by the Governor. The Code Sections are interpreted by courts of appeal and the Supreme Court. Since we must follow the decisions of those higher courts too, my readers find the book perfect for quick references. I summarize the laws and state the cases from the higher courts. By looking at the law in the book, my people are in a better position to make educated decisions.
When it comes to high income divorce and California divorce law, we know the family codes inside and out. We can protect you and your assets, including estate planning and more.
We're Scott Family Law. Let us come along side and help you in your San Diego divorce case. http://www.scottfamilylaw.net/
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Tags: niche, decades, minneapolis, professional athletes, southern california, child support, divorces, basketball players, northern california, professional athlete, divorce lawyers, family lawyers