Defending your Case with a Tampa Criminal Lawyer
By: juliannemayers | Posted: 19th April 2010
The key to defending criminal charges in court is to build a good defense. By seeking the services of an experienced Tampa criminal lawyer you can ensure that your defense will be adequately presented in court. Achieving the preferred outcome in court does depend on you having a good relationship with your lawyer from the outset, so you need to make sure you hire the right person to defend you.
As soon as you are arrested you are read the Miranda rights, within these you will be told that anything you say will be taken down and could be used as evidence against you. For this reason it is important that you do not say anything to the police at anytime until you have seen a Tampa criminal lawyer. Anything you do say to the police before you have seen a lawyer could compromise your defense in court. You should also be aware that between you and your lawyer there will exist a lawyer-client confidentiality agreement which means you can be open and honest with them without fear of any further recriminations. This agreement is very important as you need to be able to tell your lawyer anything and everything in relation to your case.
Your entire defense will depend upon your lawyer being able to prove your innocence or at the very least present a version of events which could see a lesser penalty being applied. This defense needs to be plausible and backed up with all available evidence to prove your claims are valid. A good lawyer will be able to present counter arguments to those of the prosecution, as well being able to cross examine witnesses and present a plausible closing argument to the court after all evidence has been heard. However, you should be realistic about your case and the charges. If no evidence to support your case can be found then you may need to consider entering a plea bargain in return for a lighter sentence.
Defending yourself is your right but you will stand a better chance of success in court by hiring a Tampa criminal lawyer from the outset. If you do choose to represent yourself then you will need to prove to the judge at the commencement of your trial that you have the necessary legal skills and knowledge required to adequately defend yourself. If you cannot prove this to the judge then they may appoint a lawyer to you straight away. You are therefore advised to hire a lawyer as soon as you have been charged so they can begin building your defense.
Julianne Mayers is a writer of law related articles. Aside from her business, she writes articles for blogs concerning Tampa criminal lawyer and Tampa criminal attorney. With the help of some friends she was able to present ideas concerning legal matters. She's getting her inspiration from her family and friends.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: better chance, fear, good relationship, innocence, outset, prosecution, criminal charges, criminal lawyer, plea bargain