Wisconsin Car vs Pedestrian Accidents
By: Randall Rozek | Posted: 08th April 2010
Pedestrian accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. Pedestrians are overly vulnerable when in an accident with a vehicle because they do not benefit from the protection of the vehicle.
In the United States, each year, there are approximately 5,000 pedestrian accidents that result in fatalities. In Wisconsin alone, there are approximately 50 pedestrians are killed each year as a result of an accident with a motor vehicle.
A few important statistics and facts are presented as follows:
1. Pedestrian fatalities account for more 10% of all motor vehicle related deaths.
2. More than 20% of pedestrians who are killed by a motor vehicle were legally intoxicated and in about 50% of fatalities, either the driver or the pedestrian had a measurable blood alcohol level.
3. Elderly adults of 70 years and older comprise less than 10% of the population but account for almost 20% of all pedestrian fatalities - the death rate for this group is the highest of any age group.
4. The death rate for male pedestrians is over twice that of female pedestrians. The non-fatal injury rate for male pedestrians 50% greater than for females.
5. 70% of pedestrian accidents happen in urban areas; however, deaths due to pedestrian accidents are much higher in rural areas. These higher fatality rates are probably caused by higher driving speeds and less convenient access to medical care in rural areas.
Pedestrian, like motor vehicle operators, must follow the rules of the road in the State of Wisconsin. If there is not an intersection or a crosswalk, a pedestrian must yield to cars and trucks when attempting to cross. If the pedestrian doesn't have a "walk" signal and the cars have a green light, the pedestrian must yield.
Pedestrians must also walk on a sidewalk if one is available. If no sidewalk is available, then pedestrians must walk on and along the left side of a highway, walking towards oncoming traffic.
The majority of Wisconsin pedestrian accidents involve being struck by a car while walking alongside or crossing the road (both at the intersection and the mid-point). Pedestrian accidents, however, often times do not involve a vehicle but rather are caused by inadequate maintenance of streets including potholes and construction debris.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has issued the following safety precautions for pedestrians walking on or near Wisconsin roads:
1. Be Alert
2. Do Not Drink Alcohol and Then Walk
3. Take Additional Care When Its Dark Out
4. Properly Supervise Children
All Wisconsin drivers need to remember that pedestrians have rights to use the sidewalk and streets when following the Wisconsin rules of the road. Both drivers and pedestrians need to take precautions to avoid accidents and injuries.
As a pedestrian, remember to stay within the crosswalk and obey the rules of the road. When operating a motor vehicle in the presence of a pedestrian use extra caution and slow down.
Randy Rozek, Milwaukee Pedestrian Accident Attorney and owner of Rozek Law Offices SC, invites you to visit Wisconsin's pedestrian accident website for more articles and legal information on Milwaukee Pedestrian Accidents. You may also feel free to contact Attorney Rozek via the contact form or live chat for legal advice.This article is free for republishing
Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/wisconsin-car-vs-pedestrian-accidents-1490358.html
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Tags: age group, medical care, death rate, rules of the road, rural areas, pedestrians, sidewalk, intersection, oncoming traffic, level 3, urban areas, blood alcohol level, crosswalk