How To Find Out If Someone Died Or Where Someone Is Buried
By: Steve Gee | Posted: 31st March 2010
If you only have a name how do you find out if someone has died?
It's true that the less you know about someone then the harder it is to find them or to find out information about them but often it isn't impossible. I'll bet there have been times when you've thought about someone that you once knew well when suddenly you realized that you haven't seen them for years and you have no idea where they are now or if they are alive or dead. You might be thinking about someone right now.
Not so long ago it would have been almost impossible to find your old friends unless you knew someone who knew where they were. Few of us have the money to hire a private detective to hunt them down either. Things are changing however. The Internet brings you so many opportunities and one of the great advances in recent years has been the availability of information including death records. There is masses of information available to you in the form of public records and much of it is online if you know where to look.
The problem with searching for public records online is that there is so much information available and it's distributed all over the Internet. Sometimes it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You know it's there somewhere but how do you find it.
Help is at hand
Unless you have a very good idea about what it is you are looking for and where to go to find it, you could be facing a very long period of research ahead of you. But it doesn't have to be like this. You are not the only one with the same problems and desires. In fact millions of people find themselves wanting to find someone at least once in their lives. It's no surprise therefore that the Internet community has come up with ways of solving this problem for you.
The easiest way of locating someone from the past is of course, to ask someone who knows. A mutual friend or relative who can give you any kind of information will be useful to you. Asking around like this might lead you straight to the person that you are looking for but if it doesn't then you might have picked up some vital clues that could prove useful when you start your Internet search.
Save time by spending money on the problem
If after asking around you still don't have much information to go on but you do have plenty of money to spare then you could hire a private investigator to find the person for you. Obviously the more information that you can give the PI, the easier the job is likely to be. Private investigators have been doing this kind of work for a very long time so you should get results. Today I think that their job is a little easier as they can use the Internet and public records databases just as easily as you can.
Private investigators can work out expensive and you will have to pay them whether they succeed or not. A cheaper option which might get you the results you need is to go online and use a service that specializes in finding and gathering all the public records available. Using this type of web site you can search for information from a multitude of different sources all at the same time. You might be able to find someone very quickly and at a fraction of the cost of a private investigator.
Find out anything about anyone - almost
The ability to search for public records from a multitude of different sources, in the same time that it takes to make a phone call, makes it possible to find a lot of information about a lot of people very quickly. It doesn't always work but if you can find someone in the database then you can often learn crucial clues to their whereabouts. Death records are available for you to search in the event that the person has died.
How To Find Dead Relatives free - Government Death Records
How to find people close to you who may have died.
Find A Person By Using Name Only - It's Fun Finding People
Finding people can be a lot of fun when you can do unlimited background checks. find out how.
Absolutely Free Background Checks
Public records are free to access but finding them is the problem. Find out how you can access a huge amount of public records easily and cheaply.
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Tags: surprise, money, internet community, desires, old friends, public records, mutual friend, private detective, needle in a haystack, death records