The fundamentals of Family law
By: Lance Peters | Posted: 18th March 2010
For most of us, nothing is more important than our family. Irrespective of race, country, income, class or age, having a good family remains the most important thing for us. Even a child understands the importance of a family and bonds with all the members in the family. Unfortunately in our quest of improving our living standards and fulfilling our ambitions, issues arise between family members. At times these differences become too deep and serious often resulting in a split between family members. Children split from parents, a wife splits from husband or vice versa and even siblings fight among themselves and finally go their own independent way. Considering these dynamics of a family, governments are often forced to pass laws to ensure that the splits happen amicably and are also at times avoided. Such laws are collectively called Family law.
Family law covers almost all relationships in a family and the laws are continuously modified to take care of new developing relationships. For instance, Family laws in most of the developed countries recognize lives in relationships apart from the traditional relationship of marriage. The centuries old definition of marriage too is modified to cover same sex marriages.
Family law mainly covers relationships in a family and not specific family member. Hence, if husband and wife together own a company and an economic offense happens in the company, then the case is covered under the relevant business laws. However, if they have a dispute in their marriage, it will be heard in a Family court under the suitable Family law.
Marriage, blood relationships like parent, child, and siblings fall under Family law. Hence cases of marriages, divorces, and child custody are the most popular cases fought as per Family law. Child molestation, determination of child's biological parents, surrogate child issues, adoption cases, marriages of minors, child support and other such children related cases are judged under Family law guidelines.
County or district level family courts usually hear these cases. One can also later on appeal in higher courts. Finding a lawyer for a marriage or divorce is not a difficult task. However, do consult your friends and family members before you find one. It is good to hire services of a lawyer who specializes in Family law cases. Local yellow pages and Internet too are good medium to find a family law practicing lawyer.
Family law is a controversial subject for any government. Public opinion is often sought before passing any law which can hurt their sentiments. Governments have often revoked laws passed by previous governments to ensure harmony among the masses. Gay marriage for instance is currently a hotly debated topic. All the states in a developed country like the United States too can't come to a common consensus on subjects like this. And even if the law is passed, implementing the same poses a bigger challenge.
The best law to practice is the law of love. If one loves his or her family members and shows selfless commitment, then neither will you need to understand the Family law nor will you need to spend your hard earned money on the lawyers.
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Tags: bonds, ambitions, husband and wife, family members, siblings, governments, family member, child custody, child support, divorces, developed countries, biological parents