Reasons to File your Tax Return Sooner Than Later
By: Roni Deutch | Posted: 17th February 2010
It is February already, and tax season began weeks ago. If you have already prepared your tax return, pat yourself on the back. However, if you are like most Americans and have not even started, then you will want to get your return filed as soon as possible. Although you have two and half months before the IRS deadline, you may be surprised to see there are lots of advantages to getting your taxes prepared early.
Avoid the Crowds
The last two weeks before April 15th tax preparation companies, accountants, and tax professionals become extremely busy. If you want to avoid waiting hours inside a crowded office then you should get your returns filed before busy season begins.
Time for Credit, Deduction Research
When you choose to prepare your return last minute, it can be too easy to miss a tax deduction or credit that could put extra money in your pocket. Starting early gives you enough time to relax and spend enough time on your return to find all available deductions and credits.
Reduce Stress
There is no denying that filing taxes can be stressful, and that stress is only likely to increase as the deadline gets closer and closer. Having your return filed early will reduce this stress, and allow you to relax while all of your friends and coworkers scramble to get their returns prepared.
Better Professional Services
If you have a trusted tax preparer - someone you have been going to for years - then you may feel comfortable waiting until the last minute to drop buy and get your tax return filed. However, the longer you wait, the busier accountants and tax professionals will be, meaning they have less time to focus on your return. This could result in a miscalculation, or overlooking a valuable deduction.
Faster Refunds
Obviously, one of the biggest advantages of getting your return filed early is the fact that can you get your refund faster. The IRS processes returns as they come in, and the sooner your return is there, the sooner it can be processed. Since most Americans wait until closer to the April deadline, your return will get processed quickly, and you will get your refund faster then if you had waited another month or two.
Post Dating
One reason many taxpayers choose to wait on their taxes is because of a lack of funds to pay their tax bill. Luckily, the IRS will allow you to post-date a payment until the April 15th deadline. Meaning you will have more time to put money into your account, without having to worry about a late fee from the IRS.
No Extra Paperwork
If you do wait until the last minute to prepare your return, you may have a last minute emergency, or realize you have forgotten something with no time to make a correction. You will then need to either file a request for an extension, or an amendment to your return, both of which result in extra unnecessary paperwork.
The Tax Lady Roni Deutch and her law firm Roni Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation have been helping taxpayers across the nation find IRS tax relief for over seventeen years. The firm has experienced tax lawyers who can fight IRS tax liens on your behalf.This article is free for republishing
Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/reasons-to-file-your-tax-return-sooner-than-later-1402241.html
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Tags: extra money, money in your pocket, crowds, tax preparer, professional services, tax return, coworkers, accountants, tax deduction, filing taxes, miscalculation, tax preparation, tax professionals