The Good Divorce Attorney
By: Robert Don | Posted: 27th January 2010
Trying to talk with a divorce attorney can be a difficult job. This is complicated by the mixed emotions boiling over due to stress and your worries about the probable financial distress that will ensue. If you have children, then the agony is doubled seeing that the normal flow of their lives will definitely be affected once the divorce is finished.
This is exactly the reason why choosing the right and competent divorce attorney is not something to be taken lightly. To minimize the stress that comes along with the legal proceeding, it is necessary to pick the best lawyer among the lot and this requires interviewing at least three to five attorneys within your area. And while you may have a lot of legal questions prepared, the gist of everything will come in the form of two important aspects - money and experience.
The first question you may want to shoot is one that concerns money. As everyone knows, the proceedings involved in a typical divorce case can be costly. More than determining your share the conjugal property you and your spouse both own, financial matters extend to the cost of working out children's support, other necessary expenses such as hiring private detectives or psychologists, and of course the professional fees of the lawyer you'll be hiring.
A typical divorce attorney Los Angeles has will refrain from giving you a rundown of the total cost of your divorce litigation. You can, however, ask for a rough estimate of the financial matters involved. Generally, lawyers will consider the depth of your divorce case whether it can be settled without resorting to court litigation or not, whether you have children or not, and what are the causes and grounds fot the divorce.
As such, you may be able to discuss the structure of the fees of the divorce lawyer Los Angeles has and see whether he charges on a daily, hourly, or per-minute basis. You may likewise ask whether the legal fee will tend to increase once the case is carried to the higher courts or whether there are other incidental financial obligations to be incurred such as tax implications.
Hand in hand with the cost will be the experience of your chosen divorce attorney Los Angeles has. Verify if they specialize in cases such as divorce, child custody, and alimony matters or if they simply have a general background on the law concerned. Definitely, it is always better to seek the legal assistance of a legal specialist in divorce law as he will be more likely proficient and competent once he handles your case.
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Tags: gist, rundown, financial distress, mixed emotions, rough estimate, private detectives, financial matters, divorce case, divorce attorney, divorce lawyer, necessary expenses, normal flow, legal proceeding, professional fees