EPCs for Landlords – Purpose
By: crenergy | Posted: 06th January 2010
Documentation is available to help landlords with the production of EPCs for their properties in the following ways:
• T o assist DEAs (Domestic Energy Assessors)and HIs (Home Inspectors) in the production of EPCs for properties which are of a similar type. For ease of reading whenever the term DEA is used it is meant to cover both types of Energy Assessor (Domestic and Non Domestic).
• Landlords who have extensive portfolios which contain properties which are similar need to understand their responsibilities.
• Training through Accreditation Schemes can be developed to maintain Quality Assurance Procedures which in turn assist assessors in the production of EPCs for dwellings which are similar.
Some landlords, such as Social Housing schemes can have Energy Assessors which are in house. These have to be accredited in the same way that regular Energy Assessors must be and they must follow the same training. In addition to this it is also important that to avoid conflicts of interest there must be procedures put in place to do so.
As every EPC has exactly the same legal status as each other regardless of whether or not they are produced for a single inspection or through a multiple production method. Due to this anyone who is in receipt of a valid EPC has the same protection and legal rights as anyone else with an EPC.
EPCs always have to be produced by a fully licensed and accredited DEA. It is the responsibility of every DEA to make sure that every EPC that they produce is accurate as is the accompanying Recommendation Report. All EPCs must be registered on the Domestic Register and there will be no indication as to whether the EPC was produced individually or if it was part of a multiple production of EPCs.
To find out more about EPCs contact CR Energy.
Commercial EPC, Domestic EPC, EPC, Energy Performance Certificates, Display Energy Certificates for Commercial buildings and residential buildings. For more information please visit: Commercial EPC, Domestic EPC, energy efficiency
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Tags: receipt, portfolios, home inspectors, conflicts of interest, landlords, dwellings, residential buildings, cr, certificates, commercial buildings, dea, types of energy, energy performance