Yaz Blood Clots
By: yazbloodclots | Posted: 24th December 2009
Yaz is a contraceptive that has been in use by a very sizeable proportion of women especially in the US. It is listed as the most popular contraceptive for many women today who wish to avoid pregnancy. However, like most drugs, it does have some side effects which one should be aware of before using the drug. One of these is Yaz blood clots.
A little while ago, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals which are responsible for manufacturing the drug included a variety of symptoms that they said the drug could cure and yet they weren’t authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Moreover, harmful effects of the contraceptive like blood clots were either not mentioned in some commercials and advertisements or mentioned just in passing in others.
The Food and Drug Administration did finally intervene especially after receiving a very strong petition from more than 25 attorneys general from the US and asked the pharmaceutical giant to revise their advertisements to those only approved by them. In no small way, the damage had already been done if one considers the huge proportion of the market that Yaz enjoys.
There is a steady increase in the number of women who have fallen victim to this contraceptive who are seeking legal options in seeking compensation for the side effects of this pill. Some of these side effects include:
• Blood Clots
• Heart Attack
• Stroke
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Deep Vein Thrombosis
• Acne Vulgaris
Most women suffering from Yaz blood clots have reported blood clots in areas of their bodies like the legs, arms, feet, chest, pelvis and even unfortunately the head. An amazing factor to consider when considering this fact is that most of the women who have reported suffering from blood clots after using Yaz have absolutely no family history of blood clots.
Yaz, being a fourth generation type of drug is a combinational hormone contraceptive. The types of hormones contained in these birth control pill (estrogen & drospirenone) are known to have the potential of increasing blood clots in people. Blood clots can in turn induce other serious problems to the victim like
• higher risks of developing more blood clots
• Future pregnancy complications
• Having to use blood thinners
• and even pain on the affected area.
There are a number of symptoms that may signal deterioration in the health effects of women suffering from blood clots induced by this oral drug like:
• Coughing blood
• Acute chest pains
• Inexplicable severe headaches
• Acute pain in the legs or arms that is accompanied by swelling
• Blurred or complete loss of vision
If you are a victim of this side effect or if a loved one is, then it is important to know that there are legal options available in which the victim of such health problems arising from the use of Yaz or Yasmine could seek compensation for the same. Filing a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant, Bayer or even including the doctor or healthcare providers that prescribed or recommended the use of the drug is an option many women victims are exercising today.
No victims of Yaz blood clots should be allowed to continue suffering in silence. Talk to Yaz lawyers or attorneys today. Go to yaz-lawsuit-attorneys.com for more information.
visit at yaz-lawsuit-attorneys.com for free information packet regarding your legal rights.
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Tags: heart attack, birth control pill, estrogen, hormones, food and drug administration fda, food and drug administration, blood clots, pelvis, food and drug, acne vulgaris, family history, deep vein thrombosis, thrombosis, legal options