Divorce Tips on How Parents Can Survive the Custody Battle
By: Cory Aidenman | Posted: 22nd December 2009
Are you looking for divorce tips and advice on how to win a child custody battle? Here, we will take a look at some tips on how parents can survive the custody battle. What are you supposed to do for the best interest of your children when they are caught in the middle of a child custody case? Read on to find out.
The rule of thumb that both parents need to remember going through a custody battle is that the custodial arrangements are best handled in such a way that they are agreeable to both parties. No matter how un-amicable the divorce is, and even if one of you have not learned how to survive after a divorce yet, you still should prioritize the sake of your children. If this is not possible, that is the time that a custody trial might ensue.
Now, some of the divorce tips that you need to keep in mind when handling a custody battle is that you should learn what to expect during the proceedings. Typically, the courts will ask the parents to show how involved he or she is in the lives of the children. This particularly applies to the day-to-day upbringing of the kids, no matter what age they are. n most cases, it is the Dads who need to prove their role in raising their kids is more than just providing for the family.
More than just remembering any set of divorce tips, parents should not forget to stick to the facts when going through a custody battle. Don't come across as being critical, instead point out - with the help of your lawyer - that the kids would have a much better time if they are left mostly in your care. The most important among these divorce tips is that it is all about the children - and not about you and your ex.
At the end of the day, no matter what decision it is that the judge ends up having, one thing is for sure for surviving divorce: you and your ex-spouse will still have a role to play in the lives of your children - although in separate settings. Overtime, any ill feelings that you may have over your ex should be superseded by your acting and thinking in behalf of your children's sake, which should be your number one priority anyway.
After a disasterous first divorce, and a satisfying second divorce, Cory Aidenman has discovered many divorce tactics that lead to a 'Successful Divorce'. Click Here for more information on Divorce Tips on How Parents Can Survive the Custody Battle and a free $97 Divorce Survival Guide.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: rule of thumb, sake, best interest, better time, lawyer, upbringing, proceedings, ill feelings, acting, dads